If you are receiving a License Manager Error, this means that GAUSS cannot find a valid license file. The License Manager Error (License Server does not support this Product -18), is likely due to one of the following:
- You did not enter your GAUSS License Activation Key (Single User License).
- You did not import a valid License File (Floating Network License).
- You did not enter your GAUSS License Activation Key correctly and there is a typo.
- You entered a GAUSS License Activation Key that has been previously used on a different computer.
- You are using a GAUSS License File that has been configured for a different computer.
- See below for other causes.
Annual License File has Expired
Certain licenses are for a specific period of time. This includes Annual Student, Annual Licenses, GAUSS in the Classroom, Site, Lab and Premier Support Laptop licenses. Contact Aptech Customer Service to purchase or renew your GAUSS License.
Transferring GAUSS License to a new computer.
If you are transferring GAUSS to a new computer, submit a License File Request for a replacement license to release the License Activation Key on your old computer or to generate an updated license file.
Other possible causes of License Manager Errors
Changes to Computer Hardware and Operating System Upgrades
Your GAUSS license file or activation key is uniquely configured based on the HostID of your computer. If the computer hardware or operating system is changed or updated, the HostID number of your computer may change as well. Your current license file will not work with the new HostID.
Restoring GAUSS from a Backup
If you restore the GAUSS Software from a backup to a new computer or hard-drive, the HostID of your computer will change. This will cause your previous license to fail.
What now?
License file. Regenerate your HostID and submit a License Request for a replacement license file.
License Activation Key. Please provide one of the following with your License Request to reactivate your License Activation Key:
- Your current license file (*.lic) from your GAUSSHOME folder.
- Your License Activation Key.
- License ID (Help > About GAUSS).
Still need help?
Help to diagnose your License Manager Error issues for GAUSS 19+
- Enter your License Activation Key in the GAUSS License Activation Window, and press Next.
- If an error is displayed, copy-and-paste a screenshot of this error into a Support Ticket Request.
- Press the Diagnostics button and copy-and-paste a screenshot of this window in the the support ticket created in the previous step.

Help with GAUSS 11-18

Click here.