I am trying to run one of the GAUSS example programs and I keep getting an error G0014 : "file not found". What am I doing wrong?
1 Answer
Some of the GAUSS examples need to load datasets that are located in the examples directory. Therefore, they need to be run from the examples directory. You can change to the examples directory from the main GAUSSHOME directory by entering:
chdir examples
from the program input/output window, or by using the Working Directory toolbar button on the main toolbar at the top of the GAUSS user interface.
Your Answer
1 Answer
Some of the GAUSS examples need to load datasets that are located in the examples directory. Therefore, they need to be run from the examples directory. You can change to the examples directory from the main GAUSSHOME directory by entering:
chdir examples
from the program input/output window, or by using the Working Directory toolbar button on the main toolbar at the top of the GAUSS user interface.