Student Licensing Center

Aptech Systems offers a variety of free and discounted student packages for meeting all the latest computational and data analysis needs in and out of the classroom. These packages provide students with the tools and support necessary as they advance in their knowledge and expertise.

Basic Monthly

$9.99 USD

  • 14 Day Trial
  • No limitations
  • Includes Premier Technical Support

Basic Annual

$49 USD

  • Two FREE Application Modules
  • Renewed yearly
  • No limitations
  • Includes Premier Technical Support
  • 1 installation allowed on personal computer

Full Annual

$75 USD

  • Includes ALL Application Modules
  • Renewed yearly
  • No limitations
  • Includes Premier Technical Support
  • 1 installation allowed on personal computer

GAUSS Light is available for applicable students. It has a maximum matrix size of 10,000 elements, no multi-threading support, and no debugger. Click here to learn more.

* GAUSS may only be installed on the student's personal computer
* Pre-written, customizable GAUSS Application Modules may be purchased separately for an additional fee

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