GAUSS tscsFit Example


The following is an example of implementing the tscsFit procedure. This program provides estimates for the classic Grunfeld dataset [grunfeld.dat]. These data were originally found in PhD dissertation of Y. Grunfeld (University of Chicago, 1958). The data is a balanced dataset covering 10 firms [firm = 1, ..., 10] for 20 years (1935-1950) [ year = 1935, ..., 1954].

The program follows 2.6.1 from 'Econometric Analysis of Panel Data', Baltagi, 2005. It estimates the model

$$investment_{it} = a + B_{1}firmValue_{it} + B_{2}capitalStock_{it} + u_{it}$$ $$u_{it} = c_{i} + v_{it}$$

Estimate the Model

This example uses the formula string syntax which requires no data loading prior to calling the procedure. This greatly simplifies the required code.

library tsmt;

// Create file name with full path
dataset = getGAUSSHome $+ "pkgs/tsmt/examples/grunfeld.dat";

// Call tscsFit
call tscsFit(dataset, "investment ~ firm_value + capital", "firm");


The printed results include the OLS dummy variable estimates (also known as the within or fixed effects estimates), the constrained pooled ols model, and the feasible gls error components model:

 tscsmt Version 3.0.0
=============================================================================== Data Set: grunfeld.dat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- OLS DUMMY VARIABLE RESULTS ---------------------- --------------------------------- Dependent variable: investment --------------------------------- Observations : 200
Number of Groups : 10
Degrees of freedom : 188
Residual SS : 523478.147
Std error of est : 52.768
Total SS (corrected) : 2244352.274 F = 309.014 with 2,188 degrees of freedom P-value = 0.000
Variable Coef. Std. Coef. Std. Error t-Stat P-Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- firm_value 0.110124 0.353129 0.011857 9.287901 0.000 capital 0.310065 0.679292 0.017355 17.866564 0.000 Group Number Dummy Variable Standard Error 1 -70.296717 49.707959 2 101.905814 24.938323 3 -235.571841 24.431616 4 -27.809295 14.077754 5 -114.616813 14.165433 6 -23.161295 12.668739 7 -66.553474 12.842973 8 -57.545657 13.993146 9 -87.222272 12.891893 10 -6.567844 11.826891 F-statistic for equality of dummy variables : F(9, 188) = 49.1766 P-value: 0.0000
------------------- OLS ESTIMATE OF CONSTRAINED MODEL --------------------- --------------------------------- Dependent variable: investment --------------------------------- Observations : 200
Number of Groups : 10
Degrees of freedom : 197
R-squared : 0.812
Rbar-squared : 0.811
Residual SS : 1755850.484 Std error of est : 94.408
Total SS (corrected) : 9359943.929 F = 426.576 with 3,197 degrees of freedom P-value = 0.000
Variable Coef. Std. Coef. Std. Error t-Stat P-Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSTANT -42.714369 --- 9.511676 -4.490730 0.000 firm_value 0.115562 0.700416 0.005836 19.802589 0.000 capital 0.230678 0.320268 0.025476 9.054808 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULL, RESTRICTED, AND PARTIAL R-SQUARED TERMS--DUMMY VARIABLES ARE CONSTRAINED ------------------------------------- TABLE OF R-SQUARED TERMS ------------------------------------- R-squared--full model: 0.944 R-squared--constrained model: 0.812 Partial R-squared: 0.702 ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULL, RESTRICTED, AND PARTIAL R-SQUARED TERMS--X VARIABLES ARE CONSTRAINED ------------------------------------- TABLE OF R-SQUARED TERMS ------------------------------------- R-squared--full model: 0.944 R-squared--constrained model: 0.760 Partial R-squared: 0.767 ------------------------------------- ---------------------- GLS ERROR COMPONENTS RESULTS ---------------------- --------------------------------- Dependent variable: investment --------------------------------- Observations : 200
Number of Groups : 10
Degrees of freedom : 197
Residual SS : 548904.055
Std error of est : 52.786
Total SS (corrected) : 2381390.625 F = 229.041 with 3,197 degrees of freedom P-value = 0.000
Std. errors of error terms: Individual constant terms: 84.201
White noise error : 52.768
Variable Coef. Std. Coef. Std. Error t-Stat P-Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSTANT -57.834415 --- 28.898935 -2.001265 0.047 firm_value 0.109781 0.384782 0.010493 10.462658 0.000 capital 0.308113 0.659550 0.017180 17.933910 0.000 Group Number Random Components 1 -9.524296 2 157.891024 3 -172.895804 4 29.911980 5 -54.679009 6 34.346132 7 -7.897758 8 0.672638 9 -28.139350 10 50.314444 Lagrange Multiplier Test for Error Components Model Null hypothesis: Individual error components do not exist. Chi-squared statistic (1): 798.3793
P-value: 0.0000
Hausman (1978) Chi-Squared Specification Test Null hypothesis: Error components model is the correct specification. Chi-squared statistic (2) = 2.3304
P-value = 0.3119

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