Relational and logical operators


This tutorial will explain the use of relational and logical operators in GAUSS.

Matrix relational operators

  • Return a scalar 1 if the statement is true for every element in the matrix, otherwise a 0.
Operator Purpose
== Equality
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal
< Less than
<= Less than or equal
!= Not equal

Scalar equality

a = 0.7;

// Set 'c1' equal to 1 if
// 'a' is greater than 0.5
c1 = a > 0.5;

// Set 'c2' equal to 1 if
// 'a' is less than 0.5
c2 = a < 0.5;

will assign

c1 = 1

c2 = 0

Matrix inequality

In our first example, the variable a had only one element. Let's look at a matrix example.

// Create a 2x3 matrix
a = { 0.1 0.5 0.4,
      0.5 0.3 0.7 };

// Assign 'c1' to equal 1 if EVERY
// element of 'a' is > 0.4;
c1 = a > 0.4;

// Assign 'c2' to equal 1 if EVERY
// element of 'a' is < 0.8;
c2 = a < 0.8;

will assign

c1 = 0

c2 = 1

This time, c1 will be set equal to 0, because several of the elements of a are less than 0.4.

Whereas c2 will be set equal to 1, because every element of a is less than 0.8.

Matrix equality

// Create a 2x3 matrix
a = { 0.1 0.5 0.4,
      0.5 0.3 0.7 };

// Assign 'c1' to equal 1 if EVERY
// element of 'a' is equal 0.4;
c1 = a == 0.4;

// Assign 'c2' to equal 1 if EVERY
// element of 'a' does NOT equal 0.4
c2 = a != 0.4;

// Assign 'c3' to equal 1 if EVERY
// element of 'a' does NOT equal 0.8
c3 = a != 0.8;

After the code above:

c1 = 0

c2 = 0

c3 = 1

Element‐by‐element relational operators

  • Return a matrix or vector of 1's and 0's with a 1 at the location of the elements for which the operator returns true and a 0 for the other elements.
Operator Purpose
.== Equality
.> Greater than
.>= Greater than or equal
.< Less than
.<= Less than or equal
.!= Not equal

Matrix element‐by‐element inequality

The scalar case is the same as for the matrix operators, so we will start with a matrix example.

// Create a 2x3 matrix
a = { 0.1 0.5 0.4,
      0.5 0.3 0.7 };

// Return a 2x3 matrix of 1's
// and 0's indicating whether the
// corresponding element of 'a'
// is > 0.4
c1 = a .> 0.4;

// Return a 2x3 matrix of 1's
// and 0's indicating whether the
// corresponding element of 'a'
// is ≤ 0.5
c2 = a .<= 0.5;

After the above code

c1 = 0 1 0
     1 0 1

c2 = 1 1 1
     1 1 0

ExE conformability

The ExE conformability of the GAUSS relational operators makes it simple make comparisons along rows or columns.

Column inequality

// Create a 4x2 matrix
a = { 125 23,
      150 31,
      105 19,
      150 33 };

// Create a 1x2 row vector
b = { 120 25 };

// Check which elements in the first column of 'a'
// are greater than the first element of 'b',
// and which elements of the second column of 'a'
// are greater than the second element of 'b'
c = a .> b;

The above code will assign:

c = 1 0
    1 1
    0 0
    1 1

Row inequality

// Create a 4x2 matrix
a = {  25 23,
       50 31,
        5 19,
       41 33 };

// Create a 4x1 column vector
b = { 23,
      50 };

// Check which elements in the rows of 'a'
// are less than or equal to the elements of the
// corresponding row of 'b'
c = a .<= b;

The above code will assign:

c = 0 1
    0 1
    1 0
    1 1

Scalar logical operators

Operator Purpose
and Tests whether two scalars are both non‐zero
or Tests whether at least one of two scalars is non‐zero
not Tests whether a statement is zero

Scalar 'and'

a = 1;
b = 9;
x = 0;

// Are both 'a' and 'b' non-zero?
c1 = a and b;

// Are both 'x' and 'a' non-zero?
c2 = x and a;

// Are both 'b' and 0 non-zero?
c3 = b and 0;

will assign

c1 = 1

c2 = 0

c3 = 0

Scalar 'or'

a = 1;
b = 9;
x = 0;

// Is either 'a' or 'b', or both, non-zero?
c1 = a or b;

// Is either 'x' or 'a', or both, non-zero?
c2 = x or a;

// Is either 'x' or 0, or both,  non-zero?
c3 = x or 0;

will assign

c1 = 1

c2 = 1

c3 = 0

Scalar 'not'

a = 1;
b = 9;
x = 0;

// Is 'a' zero?
c1 = not a;

// Is 'x' zero?
c2 = not x;

// Does the expression (a and b) return zero?
c3 = not (a and b);

will assign

c1 = 0

c2 = 1

c3 = 0

Element-by-element logical operators

Operator  Purpose
.and Tests whether the corresponding elements of two matrices or vectors are both non‐zero
.or Tests whether at least one of the corresponding elements of two matrices or vectors is non‐zero
.not Tests whether each element of a matrix is zero

Element-by-element '.and'

Matrix and scalar case.

a = { 1 2,
      3 0 };
b = 9;
x = 0;

// Are both 'a' and 'b' non-zero?
c1 = a .and b;

// Are both 'a' and 'x' non-zero?
c2 = a .and x;

will assign

c1 = 1 1
     1 0

c2 = 0 0
     0 0

Matrix and matrix case.

a = { 1 2,
      3 0 };
b = { 9 0,
      1 1 };

// Are both 'a' and 'b' non-zero?
c1 = a .and b;

will assign

c1 = 1 0
     1 0

Matrix and row vector case.

// 2x3 matrix
a = { 1 0 8,
      0 3 1 };

// 1x3 row vector
b = { 9 0 1 };

// Are the corresponding elements of 'a' and 'b' non-zero?
c1 = a .and b;

will assign

c1 = 1 0 1
     0 0 1

Matrix and column vector case.

// 3x3 matrix
a = { 1 0 8,
      0 3 1,
      1 1 0 };

// 3x1 column vector
b = { 2,
      0 };

// Are the corresponding elements of 'a' and 'b' non-zero?
c1 = a .and b;

will assign

c1 = 1 0 1
     0 1 1
     0 0 0

Element-by-element '.or'

Matrix and scalar case.

a = { 1 2,
      3 0 };
b = 9;
x = 0;

// Are the elements of either 'a' or 'b', or both, non-zero?
c1 = a .or b;

// Are the elements of either 'a' or 'x', or both, non-zero?
c2 = a .or x;

will assign

c1 = 1 1
     1 1

c2 = 1 1
     1 0

Matrix and matrix case.

a = { 1 2,
      3 0 };
b = { 9 0,
      1 1 };

// Are the elements of either 'a' or 'b', or both, non-zero?
c1 = a .or b;

will assign

c1 = 1 1
     1 1

Matrix and row vector case.

// 2x3 matrix
a = { 1 0 8,
      0 3 1 };

// 1x3 row vector
b = { 9 0 1 };

// Are the corresponding elements of either 
// 'a' or 'b', or both, non-zero?
c1 = a .or b;

will assign

c1 = 1 0 1
     1 1 1

Matrix and column vector case.

// 3x3 matrix
a = { 1 0 8,
      0 3 1,
      1 1 0 };

// 3x1 column vector
b = { 2,
      0 };

// Are the corresponding elements of either 
// 'a' or 'b', or both, non-zero?
c1 = a .or b;

will assign

c1 = 1 1 1
     1 1 1
     1 1 0

Element-by-element '.not'

a = { 4 6,
      1 0,
      8 2 };

// Are the elements of 'a' zero?
c1 = .not a;

will assign

c1 = 0 0
     0 1
     0 0

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