Myhostid.txt or hostid.txt file is blank after install?

I just installed GAUSS 12 and I am supposed to send in the hostid.txt file to get my permanent license, but my version of this file is blank. What can I do?

1 Answer



If after installing GAUSS, you find that the myhostid.txt file does not
include the hostid, check the following:

  • Is GAUSS installed to the default location of c:\gauss12 (Windows) or
    /home/user/gauss12 (Linux/Mac)? If it is not, the folder may not have
    full read/write privileges which are necessary for proper operation of
  • Did you install GAUSS as an administrator? If not, you may be able to
    go to the GAUSS 12 folder and right mouse click on the file
    winpostinstall.exe, then select "Run as administrator" to remake the
    myhostid.txt file and obtain the hostid information.
  • You may also be able to display the hostid information by running
    rlmhostid.exe (Windows) or rlmhostid (Linux/Mac) in the lm folder under
    GAUSS. Open a command prompt or terminal window and change directories
    to the folder where you have GAUSS installed. Enter the following at the

        lm\rlmhostid.exe (Windows)


        lm/./rlmhostid (Linux/Mac)

This should display the hostid information on the screen; copy and paste
this information into an email and send it along with your GAUSS serial
number to [email protected].



Your Answer

1 Answer


If after installing GAUSS, you find that the myhostid.txt file does not
include the hostid, check the following:

  • Is GAUSS installed to the default location of c:\gauss12 (Windows) or
    /home/user/gauss12 (Linux/Mac)? If it is not, the folder may not have
    full read/write privileges which are necessary for proper operation of
  • Did you install GAUSS as an administrator? If not, you may be able to
    go to the GAUSS 12 folder and right mouse click on the file
    winpostinstall.exe, then select "Run as administrator" to remake the
    myhostid.txt file and obtain the hostid information.
  • You may also be able to display the hostid information by running
    rlmhostid.exe (Windows) or rlmhostid (Linux/Mac) in the lm folder under
    GAUSS. Open a command prompt or terminal window and change directories
    to the folder where you have GAUSS installed. Enter the following at the

        lm\rlmhostid.exe (Windows)


        lm/./rlmhostid (Linux/Mac)

This should display the hostid information on the screen; copy and paste
this information into an email and send it along with your GAUSS serial
number to [email protected].

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