Using the Applications Installer Wizard

Install a GAUSS Application with the Installer Wizard

  1. Download and Save the application ZIP file to your computer.

  2. Select Tools > Install Application from the main GAUSS menu bar. GAUSS Applications Installer.
  3. After selecting Install Application, you should see a dialog similar to the image below. Click Next to proceed. Introduction

  4. Click Choose. Select the application zip file
  5. Browse to the folder containing the GAUSS Application ZIP file and select the application that you want to install. Note that GAUSS in-house applications begin with the prefix app_.
    Select the application ZIP file

  6. Once you have selected the file, click Open, then Next to install the application.

Verify Successful Installation

If the application was successfully installed, you should see a dialog like this: Finished You can confirm that the application is ready for use by:
  • Open the Edit (previously Source) tab and look at the list of libraries (*.lcg files) available in the Library Tool. All installed libraries will be listed there.
  • Run an Example file:
    1. Select File > Open.
    2. Choose one of the Example files (File Type: GAUSS Source File)
    3. Press the 'Run' icon on the GAUSS Toolbar and Run the file
    4. If the example runs, the GAUSS Application has been installed correctly.

How to Install Multiple GAUSS Applications

To install multiple libraries at one time, hold down CTRL key when selecting the files to be installed and the Applications Installer Tool will install them all at once.

How to Install GAUSS Applications in Terminal Mode

GAUSS version 18+ comes with a terminal version of the Applications Installer Tool.
  1. Save the GAUSS Application Package ZIP file (e.g., in your GAUSSHOME directory or wherever you have installed GAUSS.
  2. From your GAUSSHOME directory​, enter: ./gpkg install


Safari browser automatically extracts the downloaded ZIP file.

Stop Safari from automatically extracting ZIP files by:

  • Select Safari > Preferences from the main Safari menu.
  • Under the General tab, uncheck the option Open “safe” files after downloading.

File Already Exists warning message.

When installing an application, a message appears stating: The file <file_name> already exists. Many GAUSS application modules share some of the same datasets. It is generally fine to allow the installer to overwrite the file.

File could not be opened.

Some example files assume that the example data is in the current working directory. To resolve this error, change your GAUSS working directory to the location of the example file and re-run the example.

Library not found G0290.

This error means that the Application Module has not been properly installed. If you have multiple versions of GAUSS on your computer, the Application Module must be installed by each version of GAUSS separately. Follow the instructions at the top of this page to install the package.

The GAUSS User Forum is available for further questions and assistance.

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