No file "hostid.txt" generated when installing GAUSS14 under Windows 8.1

I am switching to a new computer with Windows 8.1. When installing GAUSS14 with administrator rights I an error message from GAUSS shows up, saying that no hostid.txt file can be created in the GAUSS home directory (which in my case is c:\program files\gauss14\ ).  Any solution?

Many thanks, HPK

4 Answers


In GAUSS 13 and 14, an executable named 'winpostinstall.exe' is run after the Windows MSI installer finishes running. It performs a few final set up functions, including creating the 'hostid.txt' file and opening it in Notepad so that the user see the contents without searching for it.

Even though you have an administrator account, Windows does not automatically perform all of your requests with full administrator privileges. This is due to the "Principle of Least Privilege". This is why the 'winpostinstall.exe' program that is run at the end of the GAUSS installation was not allowed to write the 'hostid.exe' file under C:\Program Files.

You should be able to solve this by browsing to the C:\Program Files\gauss14 directory and then right-clicking on 'winpostinstall.exe' and selecting "Run as Administrator".




Thank you very much for your extra quick response. As suggested I ran  ‘winpostinstall.exe’  by right clicking ‘Run as Administrator’. As a result the file ‘myhostid.txt’ was created. This is the complete content of ‘myhostid.txt’:


====                                           ====
==== To obtain your GAUSS license please send  ====
====     this file AND your serial number to   ====
====     [email protected]                    ====
====                                           ====


There is no hostid of my current machine included! Any suggestion?




Ok. winpostinstall.exe creates the header for the hostid.txt and then runs rlmhostid.exe to retrieve your computer's hostid. The administrator privilege must not be conferred from winpostinstall.exe to rlmhostid.exe. They have this pretty well locked down.

You can get around this by opening a Windows Command Prompt (CMD window) "As Administrator". Then in the terminal go to the C:\Program Files\gauss14\lm directory. This is where rlmhostid.exe is located. Once you are in this directory enter:

rlmhostid.exe > hostid.txt

That command will find your hostid and send it to a file named hostid.txt in your terminal window's current working directory, which should be C:\Program Files\gauss14\lm. Since Windows does not allow copy and paste from a terminal window by default, it will probably be easiest to open the file you just created in Notepad. Enter:

notepad.exe hostid.txt

to open the hostid.txt file in Notepad. Then you should be able to easily copy and paste it into an email.




I followed your suggestions. Everything worked fine! Thanks!



Your Answer

4 Answers


In GAUSS 13 and 14, an executable named 'winpostinstall.exe' is run after the Windows MSI installer finishes running. It performs a few final set up functions, including creating the 'hostid.txt' file and opening it in Notepad so that the user see the contents without searching for it.

Even though you have an administrator account, Windows does not automatically perform all of your requests with full administrator privileges. This is due to the "Principle of Least Privilege". This is why the 'winpostinstall.exe' program that is run at the end of the GAUSS installation was not allowed to write the 'hostid.exe' file under C:\Program Files.

You should be able to solve this by browsing to the C:\Program Files\gauss14 directory and then right-clicking on 'winpostinstall.exe' and selecting "Run as Administrator".


Thank you very much for your extra quick response. As suggested I ran  ‘winpostinstall.exe’  by right clicking ‘Run as Administrator’. As a result the file ‘myhostid.txt’ was created. This is the complete content of ‘myhostid.txt’:


====                                           ====
==== To obtain your GAUSS license please send  ====
====     this file AND your serial number to   ====
====     [email protected]                    ====
====                                           ====


There is no hostid of my current machine included! Any suggestion?


Ok. winpostinstall.exe creates the header for the hostid.txt and then runs rlmhostid.exe to retrieve your computer's hostid. The administrator privilege must not be conferred from winpostinstall.exe to rlmhostid.exe. They have this pretty well locked down.

You can get around this by opening a Windows Command Prompt (CMD window) "As Administrator". Then in the terminal go to the C:\Program Files\gauss14\lm directory. This is where rlmhostid.exe is located. Once you are in this directory enter:

rlmhostid.exe > hostid.txt

That command will find your hostid and send it to a file named hostid.txt in your terminal window's current working directory, which should be C:\Program Files\gauss14\lm. Since Windows does not allow copy and paste from a terminal window by default, it will probably be easiest to open the file you just created in Notepad. Enter:

notepad.exe hostid.txt

to open the hostid.txt file in Notepad. Then you should be able to easily copy and paste it into an email.


I followed your suggestions. Everything worked fine! Thanks!

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