I have a matrix of observations and I want to add a constant vector as the first row of my matrix. How can I concatenate these two variables in GAUSS?
1 Answer
Numerical data
For matrices and vectors use the tilde ~
operator for horizontal concatenation and the pipe |
operator for vertical concatenation.
For example if you have two 3x1 vectors A and B, you can concatenate them into a 3x2 matrix like this:
A = { 1,
3 };
B = { 4,
6 };
new_mat = A ~ B;
will assign new_mat
to be the following matrix:
1 4 2 5 3 6
You could vertically concatenate them into a 6x1 vector like this:
A = { 1,
3 };
B = { 4,
6 };
new_mat = A | B;
will assign new_mat
to be the following vector:
1 2 3 4 5 6
String Arrays
String arrays use the tilde ~
and pipe |
operators, but they are prepended with the dollar sign $
. For example:
string sa_A = { "alpha",
"beta" };
string sa_B = { "gamma",
"delta" };
// Horizontal string concatenation
sa_C = sa_A $~ sa_B;
// Vertical string concatenation
sa_D = sa_A $| sa_B;
after the code above:
sa_C = "alpha" "gamma"
"beta" "delta"
sa_D = "alpha"
Your Answer
1 Answer
Numerical data
For matrices and vectors use the tilde ~
operator for horizontal concatenation and the pipe |
operator for vertical concatenation.
For example if you have two 3x1 vectors A and B, you can concatenate them into a 3x2 matrix like this:
A = { 1,
3 };
B = { 4,
6 };
new_mat = A ~ B;
will assign new_mat
to be the following matrix:
1 4 2 5 3 6
You could vertically concatenate them into a 6x1 vector like this:
A = { 1,
3 };
B = { 4,
6 };
new_mat = A | B;
will assign new_mat
to be the following vector:
1 2 3 4 5 6
String Arrays
String arrays use the tilde ~
and pipe |
operators, but they are prepended with the dollar sign $
. For example:
string sa_A = { "alpha",
"beta" };
string sa_B = { "gamma",
"delta" };
// Horizontal string concatenation
sa_C = sa_A $~ sa_B;
// Vertical string concatenation
sa_D = sa_A $| sa_B;
after the code above:
sa_C = "alpha" "gamma"
"beta" "delta"
sa_D = "alpha"