Author: aptech


The new GAUSS 23 is the most practical GAUSS yet! It’s built with the intention to save you time on everyday research tasks like finding, importing, and modeling data. Learn about new features including:
  • New FRED and DBnomics data integrations.
  • Simplified data loading with intelligent type detection.
  • First-class dataframe storage.
  • Expanded quantile regressions.
  • Kernel density estimation.
  • and more …

Introduction to Efficient Creation of Detailed Plots

A few weeks ago, we showed you how to create a detailed plot from a recent article in the American Economic Review. That article contained several plots that contain quite a bit of similar and stylized formatting. Today we will show you how to efficiently create two of these graphs. Our main goals are to get you thinking about code reuse and how it can help you:
  • Get more results from your limited research time.
  • Avoid the frustration that comes from growing mountains of spaghetti code.

Advanced Formatting Techniques for Creating AER Quality Plots

This blog will show you how to reproduce one of the graphs from a paper in the June 2022 issue of the American Economic Review. You will learn how to:
  1. Add and style text boxes with LaTeX.
  2. Set the anchor point of text boxes.
  3. Add and style vertical lines.
  4. Automatically set legend text to use your dataframe’s variable names.
  5. Set the font for all or a subset of the graph text elements.
  6. Set the size of your graph.


GAUSS 22 brings many substantial new features that will save you hours of time and frustration with everyday tasks including:
  • Data exploration
  • Data cleaning and management
  • Graphics
See some of the ways that GAUSS 22 will help you make the most of your limited research time below!

Understanding Errors: G0058 Index out-of-Range

Today we will help you to understand and resolve Error G0058 Index Out-of-Range We will :
  1. Explain the cause of the index out-of-range error in GAUSS.
  2. Explain why performing index assignments past the end of your data can lead to bad outcomes.
  3. Show how to use some functions and operators that can assist with diagnosing and resolving this error.
  4. Work through an example to resolve an indexing problem.
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Understanding Errors: G0064 Operand Missing

Today we will help you to understand and resolve Error G0064: Operand Missing. We will answer the questions:
  1. What is an operand?
  2. How do common mathematical and non-mathematical operators interact with operands?
  3. What are common causes of operand missing errors?
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Easy and Fast Data Management in GAUSS 21

The new dataframes and interactive data management tools in GAUSS 21 will make your work more enjoyable and save you hours of time. Learn more about the latest features including:
  • New dataframes that handle strings, categories, and dates with ease.
  • Interactive data filtering.
  • Easy to manage date displays.
  • Interactive management of categorial variables.
  • Auto-generated code.
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How to Create Tiled Graphs in GAUSS

Placing graphs next to each other can be a great way to present information and improve data visualization. Today we will learn how to create tiled graphs in GAUSS with the easy-to-use plotLayout procedure.

We will work through two simple examples where you will learn:
  • How to created tiled layouts which are uniform and layouts with graphs of different sizes.
  • Which graph types can be used with plotLayout.
  • How to clear your tiled graph layouts.

Basics of GAUSS Procedures

GAUSS procedures are user-defined functions that allow you to combine a sequence of commands to perform desired tasks. In this blog, you will learn the fundamentals of creating and using procedures in GAUSS.

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