Category: Best Practices

Introducing the GAUSS Data Management Guide

If you’ve worked with real-world data, you know that data cleaning and management can eat up your time. Efficiently tackling tedious data cleaning, organization, and management tasks can have a huge impact on productivity.
We created the GAUSS Data Management Guide with that exact goal in mind. It’s aimed to help you save time and make the most of your data.
Today’s blog looks at what the GAUSS Data Management Guide offers and how to best use the guide.

Importing FRED Data to GAUSS

The GAUSS FRED database integration, introduced in GAUSS 23, is a time-saving feature that allows you to import FRED data directly into GAUSS. This means you have thousands of datasets at your fingertips without ever leaving GAUSS. These tools also ensure that FRED data is imported directly into a GAUSS dataframe format, which can eliminate hours of data cleaning and the headaches that come with it. In today’s blog, we will learn how to use the FRED import tools to:
  • Search for a FRED data series.
  • Import FRED data to GAUSS, including merging multiple series.
  • Use advanced import tools to perform data transformations.

Introduction to Efficient Creation of Detailed Plots

A few weeks ago, we showed you how to create a detailed plot from a recent article in the American Economic Review. That article contained several plots that contain quite a bit of similar and stylized formatting. Today we will show you how to efficiently create two of these graphs. Our main goals are to get you thinking about code reuse and how it can help you:
  • Get more results from your limited research time.
  • Avoid the frustration that comes from growing mountains of spaghetti code.

Basics of GAUSS Procedures

GAUSS procedures are user-defined functions that allow you to combine a sequence of commands to perform desired tasks. In this blog, you will learn the fundamentals of creating and using procedures in GAUSS.

How to mix, match and style different graph types

Often times we need to mix multiple graph types in order to create a plot which most effectively tells the story of our data. In this post, we will create a plot of the Phillips Curve in the United States over two separate time periods. We will show how to add scatter points and lines as well as data series’ of different lengths to a single plot. However, our main focus will be showing you how to control the styling of all aspects of the plot in these cases.

Using GAUSS Packages [Complete Guide]

GAUSS packages provide access to powerful tools for performing data analysis. This guide covers all you need to know to get the most from GAUSS packages including:
  • What is a GAUSS package
  • Where to find GAUSS packages
  • What is included in GAUSS packages
  • How to use GAUSS packages

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