Category: Panel data

Exploring and Cleaning Panel Data with GAUSS 25

Panel data offers a unique opportunity to examine both individual-specific and time-specific effects. However, as anyone who has worked with panel data knows, these same features that make panel data so useful can also make exploration and cleaning particularly challenging. GAUSS 25 was designed with these challenges in mind. It introduces a comprehensive new suite of panel data tools, tailored to make working with panel data in GAUSS easier, faster, and more intuitive. In today’s blog, we’ll look at these new tools and demonstrate how they can simplify everyday panel data tasks, including:
  • Loading your data.
  • Preparing your panel dataset.
  • Exploring panel data characteristics.
  • Visualizing panel data.
  • Transforming your data for modeling.

Transforming Panel Data to Long Form in GAUSS

Anyone who works with panel data knows that pivoting between long and wide form, though commonly necessary, can still be painstakingly tedious, at best. It can lead to frustrating errors, unexpected results, and lengthy troubleshooting, at worst.
The new dfLonger and dfWider procedures introduced in GAUSS 24 make great strides towards fixing that. Extensive planning has gone into each procedure, resulting in comprehensive but intuitive functions.
In today’s blog, we will walk through all you need to know about the dfLonger procedure to tackle even the most complex cases of transforming wide form panel data to long form.

Visualizing COVID-19 Panel Data With GAUSS 22

When they’re done right, graphs are a useful tool for telling compelling data stories and supporting data models. However, too often graphs lack the right components to truly enhance understanding. In this blog, we look at how a few quick customizations help make graphs more impactful. In particular, we will consider:
  • Using grid lines without cluttering a graph.
  • Changing tick labels for readability.
  • Using clear axis labels.
  • Marking events and outcomes with lines, bars, and annotations.
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Panel Data Stationarity Test With Structural Breaks

Reliable unit root testing is an important step of any time series analysis or panel data analysis. However, standard time series unit root tests and panel data unit root tests aren’t reliable when structural breaks are present. Because of this, when structural breaks are suspected, we must employ unit root tests that properly incorporate these breaks. Today we will examine one of those tests, the Carrion-i-Silvestre, et al. (2005) panel data test for stationarity in the presence of multiple structural breaks.
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Introduction to the Fundamentals of Panel Data

Panel data, sometimes referred to as longitudinal data, is data that contains observations about different cross sections across time. Panel data exhibits characteristics of both cross-sectional data and time-series data. This blend of characteristics has given rise to a unique branch of time series modeling made up of methodologies specific to panel data structure. This blog offers a complete guide to those methodologies including the nature of panel data series, types of panel data, and panel data models.

Introduction to Difference-in-Differences Estimation

When policy changes or treatments are imposed on people, it is common and reasonable to ask how those people have been impacted. This is a more difficult question than it seems at first glance. In today’s blog, we examine difference-in-differences (DD) estimation, a common tool for considering the impact of treatments on individuals.

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