Category: User Interface

Getting to Know Your Data With GAUSS 22

There is no getting around the fact that data wrangling, cleaning, and exploring plays an important role in any empirical research. Data management can be time-consuming, error-prone, and can make or break results. GAUSS 22 is built to take the pain out of dealing with your data and to let you move seamlessly towards tackling your important research questions. In today’s blog, we walk through how to efficiently prepare and explore real-world data before modeling or estimation. We’ll look at:
  • Loading and merging data.
  • Cleaning data to eliminate misentries, missing values, and more.
  • Exploring data.

Easy Management of Categorical Variables

Categorical variables offer an important opportunity to capture qualitative effects in statistical modeling. Unfortunately, it can be tedious and cumbersome to manage categorical variables in statistical software. The new GAUSS category type, introduced in GAUSS 21, makes it easy and intuitive to work with categorical data. In today’s blog we use real-life housing data to explore the numerous advantages of the GAUSS category type including:
  • Easy set up and viewing of categorical data.
  • Simple renaming of category labels.
  • Easy changing of the reference base case and reordering of categories.
  • Single-line frequency plots and tables.
  • Internal creation of dummy variables for regressions.
  • Proper labeling of categories in regression output.
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Advanced Search and Replace in GAUSS

You’re probably familiar with the basic find-and-replace. However, large projects with many files across several directories, require a more powerful search tool. The GAUSS Source Browser is the powerful search-and-replace tool you need. In this blog, you’ll learn more about using the advanced search-and-replace tools in GAUSS to effectively navigate and edit in projects with multiple files and directories.

GAUSS Package Manager Basics

The GAUSS Package Manager, first introduced in version 20, allows you to download, install and uninstall GAUSS packages without leaving GAUSS. It supports the paid GAUSS Application Modules, free GAUSS packages and even allows you to create custom packages and channels. This post will guide you through the basics needed to install and uninstall GAUSS packages.

Five Hacks For Creating Custom GAUSS Graphics

GAUSS includes a plethora of tools for creating publication-quality graphics. Unfortunately, many people fail to use these tools to their full potential. Today we unlock five advanced GAUSS hacks for building beautiful graphics:
  • Using HSL, and Colorbrewer color palettes.
  • Controlling graph exports.
  • Changing the plot canvas size.
  • Annotating graphs with shapes, text boxes, and lines.
  • Using LaTeX for GAUSS legends, labels and text boxes.

Running publicly available GAUSS code: Part 1

This blog explores how to use publicly available GAUSS code in your own GAUSS projects. This video will guide you through:
  • Opening your code in the Project Folders Window.
  • Running the code.
  • The Applications Installer.
  • Setting your working directory.
  • Error G0290 Library not found.
  • Error G0014 File not found.
  • Viewing workspace variables.

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