In this video, you’ll learn the basics of panel data analysis in GAUSS. We demonstrate panel data modeling start to finish, from loading data to running a group specific intercept model.
In this video, you’ll learn the basics of choice data analysis in GAUSS. Our video demonstration shows just how quick and easy it is to get started with everything from data loading to discrete data modeling.
The new dataframes and interactive data management tools in GAUSS 21 will make your work more enjoyable and save you hours of time. Learn more about the latest features including:
New dataframes that handle strings, categories, and dates with ease.
This seventh video in the GAUSS Basics series will show you how to use the if, else, elseif and endif keywords to create code with conditional statements.
The video will demonstrate several examples and show a few common errors you might run into.
In this sixth video in the GAUSS Basics series learn how to use the logical and relational operators in GAUSS. These operators include and, not, or, xor, less-than, less-than or equal, greater-than, greater-than or equal, equal.
Learn how to work with matrices, the building block of the GAUSS programming language, in this third video in our GAUSS Basics series. Today we will explore how to: