The new dataframes and interactive data management in GAUSS 21 will make your work more enjoyable and save you hours of time.
New GAUSS dataframes make data easy to read...
...and make code and results clearer
>> // Load data
>> lending = loadd("lending.csv");
>> // Estimate in one line
>> call olsmt(lending, "int_rate ~ .");
Variable Estimate Error t-value
CONSTANT 11.988 1.298 9.235
term: 60_months 3.987 0.6446 6.184
annual_inc -0.0092475 0.005473 -1.689
purpose: credit_card -0.12827 1.320 -0.09714
renewable_energy -1.9637 4.229 -0.4643
small_business 3.9262 1.799 2.182
vacation -0.7038 1.809 -0.3890
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Customize your date display
Reference your data by name
// Index by variable name
auto = auto[., "mpg" "rep78"];
// Select if position is center
nba = selif(nba, nba[., "Pos"] .$== "C");
// Set base category
yarn = setBaseCat(yarn, "low","yarn_length");
See your data your way with GAUSS dataframes
>> print lending[1:5,.];
int_rate date purpose 12.620000 2014-12-14 credit_card 9.4400000 2014-05-18 auto 10.420000 2014-02-01 medical 15.050000 2014-04-05 credit_card 9.9300000 2014-05-17 credit_card
✔ Missing value support.
✔ Simpler data cleaning.
✔ Categorical, date, string and numeric data.
✔ Clear data view and reporting.
✔ Reference by name or traditional matrix indexing.
✔ Compatible with matrices and older code and application modules.
✔ Programmatic and interactive support:
- Category base case, labels and order.
- Date display format.
Easy and fast interactive data management
Interactive data import
✔ One-click import and preview.
✔ Select and rename variables.
✔ CSV, Excel, SAS, Stata, SPSS files.
✔ Live preview.
✔ Automatic code generation.
✔ Manage categories.
✔ Specify values to import as missing.
View, rename, and reorder categorical variables
Intuitive interactive controls to:
- Set the base case.
- Rename labels.
- Set category order.
Import dates in any format
Non-standard date formats are no problem.
- Auto-detects 30 formats.
- Specify any custom format.
- Any characters.
- Any order.
Interactive data filter
✔ Simple dropdown options.
✔ Handles missing data.
✔ Create multiple filters.
✔ Live preview.
✔ Automatic code generation.
✔ Intuitive date filtering.
✔ Available for data before and after loading.