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Unit Root Tests with Structural Breaks

In this blog, we examine the issue of identifying unit roots in the presence of structural breaks. We will use the quarterly US current account to GDP ratio to compare results from a number of unit root test found in the GAUSS tspdlib library including the: Zivot-Andrews (1992) unit root test with a single structural break, Narayan and Popp (2010) unit root test with two structural breaks, Lee and Strazicich (2013, 2003) LM tests with one and two structural breaks, Enders and Lee Fourier (2012) ADF and LM tests.

Running publicly available GAUSS code: Part 2

This week’s blog brings you the second video in the series examining running publicly available GAUSS code. This video runs the popular code by Hatemi-J for testing cointegration with multiple structural breaks. In this video you will learn how to:
  • Substitute your own dataset.
  • Modify the indexing commands for your data.
  • Remove missing values.
  • Preview your data after loading with the Ctrl+E keyboard shortcut.
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Running publicly available GAUSS code: Part 1

This blog explores how to use publicly available GAUSS code in your own GAUSS projects. This video will guide you through:
  • Opening your code in the Project Folders Window.
  • Running the code.
  • The Applications Installer.
  • Setting your working directory.
  • Error G0290 Library not found.
  • Error G0014 File not found.
  • Viewing workspace variables.

The Basics of Quantile Regression

Classical linear regression estimates the mean response of the dependent variable dependent on the independent variables. There are many cases, such as skewed data, multimodal data, or data with outliers, when the behavior at the conditional mean fails to fully capture the patterns in the data. In these cases, quantile regression provides a useful alternative to linear regression. Today we explore quantile regression and use the GAUSS quantileFit procedure to analyze Major League Baseball Salary data.

Basic Bootstrapping in GAUSS

The bootstrap is a commonly used resampling technique which involves taking random samples with replacement to quantify uncertainty about a particular estimator or statistic. In this post, we will walk the how to apply the bootstrap procedure using asset returns.

Top five hotkeys to get more done in GAUSS

The GAUSS interface includes a number of often overlooked hotkeys and shortcuts. These features can help make programming more efficient and navigation seamless. In this blog I highlight my top five GAUSS hotkeys:
  1. Quickly view data symbols using Ctrl+E.
  2. Open floating command reference pages using Shift+F1.
  3. Toggle block comments on and off using Ctrl+/.
  4. Go to procedure definitions using Ctrl+F1.
  5. Delete lines using Ctrl+L.
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Permutation Entropy

Permutation Entropy (PE) is a robust time series tool which provides a quantification measure of the complexity of a dynamic system by capturing the order relations between values of a time series and extracting a probability distribution of the ordinal patterns (see Henry and Judge, 2019). Today, we will learn about the PE methodology and will demonstrate its use through a toy example.

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