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[CBC show="y" country="cu, ir, kp, sd, sy, lb, ly, so, by, er, ve"]

Thank you for your interest in the GAUSS Platform. At this time, the US Government still does not permit us to sell or license our software to users in [CBC_COUNTRY].

In the event those rules and regulations change sometime in the future, please contact us again.

- Aptech Systems

[/CBC] [CBC show="n" country="cu, ir, kp, sd, sy, lb, ly, so, by, er, ve"]

Thanks for your interest in GAUSS 23

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    If your focus is on time series, panel data, or finance, we can tailor the conversation, so let us know.

    • Supported Platforms: GAUSS 25 currently supports the following:
      - Windows 64-bit: Windows 10 and above
      - Windows Server 64-bit: 2012 and above
      - macOS 64-bit: macOS 10.15 and above
      - Linux 64-bit: Red Hat 7.X+/CentOS/Ubuntu

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