GAUSS kalmanFilter plots

** Plot results

plotLayout(2, 1, 1);

// Plot control structure
struct plotControl myPlot;
myPlot = plotGetDefaults("XY");

// Turn grid off
plotSetGrid(&myPlot, "off");

// Font settings
font_name = "Helvetica Neue";
font_color = "#666666";
title_size = 18;
label_size = 14;
legend_size = 10;

** Filtered data

// Title
plotSetTitle(&myPlot, "Nile Annual Flow Volumes at Aswan", font_name, title_size, font_color);

// Legend
plotSetLegend(&myPlot, "Filtered"$|"Observed", "top right", 1);
plotSetLegendFont(&myPlot,  font_name, legend_size, font_color);

// Change color of axes numbers
plotSetTicLabelFont(&myPlot, font_name, legend_size, font_color);

// Set up to add plot of filtered data
// Turn line symbol off
plotSetLineSymbol(&myPlot, -1);

// Time series plot of filtered data
plotTS(myPlot, 1871, 1 , rslt.filtered_state');

** Observed Data

// Scatter plot of observed data
x = seqa(1,1,rows(y));
plotAddScatter(x, y);

** Filtered State Variance

// Plot filtered state variance
plotLayout(2, 1, 2);

// Plot control structure
struct plotControl myPlot2;
myPlot2 = plotGetDefaults("xy");

// Turn grid off
plotSetGrid(&myPlot2, "off");

// Change color of axes numbers
plotSetTicLabelFont(&myPlot, font_name, legend_size, font_color);

// Turn line symbol off
plotSetLineSymbol(&myPlot2, -1);

// Label y
plotSetYLabel(&myplot2, "Filtered State Variance [P_tt]", font_name, label_size, font_color);

plotTS(myPlot2, 1871, 1 , arraytomat(areshape(rslt.filtered_state_cov, 100|1)));

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