Bug in unique in G17

Dear Aptech representative,

In Gauss 17, the unique procedures seems to do strange things. Consider the following programme:

let string XVAR1    = x1 x2 x3 x4 ;
let string XVAR2    = X2;
v=unique(Xvar1 $| Xvar2 );

It should return a string array with   x1 x2 x3 x4. However, on my machine (17.0.2, build 4321), it returns  x1 x2 x4 . Thus, somehow x3 disappeared. Surprisingly, this does not happen if 'unique' is used only once. It did also not happen in G16.

1 Answer


Thank you for this bug report. The bug has been found and fixed. After QA has been completed, a maintenance release will be available.



Your Answer

1 Answer


Thank you for this bug report. The bug has been found and fixed. After QA has been completed, a maintenance release will be available.

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