Error Output

I am trying to adopt the methodology used in the paper "Dynamic panels with threshold effect and endogeneity" by Seo and Shin (2016) Journal of Econometrics Volume 195, Issue 2, December 2016, Pages 169-186 for my study, but with more regressors than the ones used by the authors. I modified the code provided by the authors to accomodate the additional regressors and the code I am using as follows:

new; format /rd /m1 8,4; output file= shoot.out on;
tstart = date;
t = 20;
nt = rows(bidata);
n = nt/t;

y = bidata[.,1]; @ real gdp growth rate @
iiq = bidata[.,2]; @ index of institutional quality @
iis = bidata[.,3]; @ index of infrastructure stock @
pcp = bidata[.,4]; @ physical capital @
hcp = bidata[.,5]; @ human capital @
top = bidata[.,6]; @ trade openness @
goc = bidata[.,7]; @ government consumption @

/***************************** Controls *******************************/

qn = 200; @ number of quantiles to examine @
_trim_1 = .15; @ percentage to trim before search, single @
_con = 0; if _con ==0; "no constant"; elseif _con==1;
"constant in the upper regime";endif;
ns = 200; @ iter num in averaging (1st uses analytic formula) @
nb = 0; @ bootstrap iteration @
jmy = 1; @ number of lags of y used in IV ( jm >= 1) @
jmx = 1; @ number of lags of x used in IV ( jm >= 1) @
jn = 1; @ initial lag used in IV is t-jn-2 (jn >=0) @
t0 = jn+3; @ initial time in GMM ( >= jn+3) @
jj=1000; @ iteration for linearity test p-value @

x = iiq~iis~pcp~hcp~top~goc; @ set regressors @
// tt= ones(n,1).*.eye(t); tt= tt[.,t0+1:t]; // time dummies. SET _con =0
// x = x~tt; with dummies we need more IV's as they are already part of IVs

q = iiq;

xx= ones(nt,1)~iis~hcp; @ variables to be used as IV: FIRST COLUMN MUST BE 1's@

"threshold variable = iiq ";
"qn~ns~jm~jn~t0 : " qn~ns~jmy~jn~t0;


w = setiv(n,t,y,xx,t0,jmy,jmx,jn);" number of moments: " cols(w);

dd = unique(q,1);
qnt1 = qn*_trim_1;
sq = seqa(_trim_1,1/qn,qn-2*qnt1+1);
qq1 = dd[floor(sq*rows(dd))]; @ grid for threshold values @
qn1 = rows(qq1);

ly = vec(lagn(reshape(y,n,t)',1)); // ntx1
dy = y-ly; // ntx1
z2 = ly;
k=cols(x); z2 = ly~x;
z1 = z2;
if _con == 1; z1= (z2~ones(n*t,1)); endif;
k1 = cols(z1); k2 = cols(z2);

dz0 = {} ; @ stack of dz's across threshold values @
for i (1,qn1,1);

z = z2~(z1.*(q.> qq1[i])); // ntx[(1+k)+(1+k)+1]
lz = lagnmatrix(n,t,z,1); // ntx[(1+k)+(1+k)]
dz = z-lz; // ntx[(1+k)+(1+k)]
tmp = packr(dy~dz); // n(t-2)x[1+(1+k)+(1+k)]
tmp = trimrmatrix(n,t-2,tmp,t0-3,0);
dz = tmp[.,2:cols(tmp)]; // n(t-t0+1)x(1+k+1+1+k)

endfor; dy = tmp[.,1];

// ************************** 1st step GMM

zst = rndn(cols(w),jj); // random numbers for linearity test
thtsample = {}; Jsample={};
wnst_A = zeros(qn1,jj); wn_A = zeros(qn1,1);
colp = zeros(ns,1);

for iter (1,ns,1);

if iter == 1; iv = weight1(n,t,w,t0); else;
e = rndn(t-1,n); // (t-1)xn, simulating homogeneous case
de = vec(e[2:t-1,.]-e[1:t-2,.]); // n(t-2)x1
iv = weight(n,t,de,w,t0);

for i (1,qn1,1);

dz = dz0[(i-1)*n*(t-t0+1)+1:i*n*(t-t0+1),.];
wdz = (w'dz)/n; // mx(1+k+1+1+k)
wdy = (w'dy)/n; // mx1
trap 1; iwdz = inv(wdz'*iv*wdz); trap 0;
if scalerr(iwdz); iwdz = invswp(wdz'*iv*wdz);
" error in the 1st step " i; endif;

b = iwdz*(wdz'*iv*wdy); // (1+k+1+k)x1
wde = wdy-wdz*b; // mx1
s = wde'*iv*wde; // scalar
dehat = dy-dz*b; // n(t-2)x1



dehat = col1hat[1,2+rows(b)+1:cols(col1)]';

// ************************** 2nd step GMM

iv = weight(n,t,dehat,w,t0);
wn = zeros(qn1,1);

for i (1,qn1,1);

dz = dz0[(i-1)*n*(t-t0+1)+1:i*n*(t-t0+1),.];
wdz = (w'dz)/n; // mx(1+k+1+1+k)
wdy = (w'dy)/n; // mx1
trap 1; iwdz = inv(wdz'*iv*wdz); trap 0;
if scalerr(iwdz); iwdz = invswp(wdz'*iv*wdz);
" error in the 2nd step " i; endif;
b = iwdz*(wdz'*iv*wdy); // (1+k+1+k)x1

wde = wdy-wdz*b; // mx1
s = wde'*iv*wde; // scalar
dehat = dy-dz*b; // n(t-2)x1


//-- supW statistic
p1 = zeros(k1,k2)~eye(k1);
ivi = weight(n,t,col1[i,2+rows(b)+1:cols(col1)]',w,t0);
iv2 = chol(ivi);
trap 1; iwdzi = inv(wdz'*ivi*wdz); trap 0;
if scalerr(iwdzi); iwdzi = invswp(wdz'*ivi*wdz);
" error in the 2nd step " i; endif;

idti = inv(p1*iwdzi*p1');
wn[i] = n*(p1*b)'idti*(p1*b);

for j (1,jj,1);
wnst[i,j] = zst[.,j]'iv2*wdz*iwdzi*p1'idti*p1*iwdzi*wdz'iv2'zst[.,j];


dehat = col2hat[1,2+rows(b)+1:cols(col2hat)]';

thtsample = thtsample|col2hat[1,2:2+rows(b)];
Jsample = Jsample|(n*col2hat[1,1]);

colp[iter] = 1-counts(maxc(wnst),maxc(wn))/jj; //linearity test
wnst_A = wnst_A + wnst; wn_A = wn_A + wn;


ththat = meanc(thtsample); // averaged estimate, (1+k+1+k)x1
ththat1= thtsample[1,.]'; // estimate from analytic Weight

Jhat = meanc(Jsample); // averaged J statistic
Jhat1= Jsample[1]; // J stat from analytic Weight

ltp_A = 1-counts(maxc(wnst_A),maxc(wn_A))/jj;
"";" linearity test from analytic : " colp[1];
" linearity test from averaging: " ltp_A; "";

""; "/------ output based on analytic variance formula -----/";"";;
//dum1: s.e.; dum2: upper regime estimates and s.e.;
//dum3: long-run parameter estimates and s.e. dum4: Jstat and p-value

if ns > 1; ""; "/------ in case of averaging -----/";"";;

tend = date;et = etstr(ethsec(tstart,tend)); "";" elapsed time : " et;

input :

t0: initial time for the moment condition
jm's: maximum lags to be used as an IV
x: should contain ones in the first column


proc setiv(n,t,y,x,t0,jmy,jmx,jn);
local er,er1,j,k,m,i,zyi,zxi,wi,sr,w,sj,mj;

k = cols(x); // x[.,1]=1
w = {};
for i (1,n,1);
zyi = y[(i-1)*(t)+1:i*(t)]; // (t)x1
zxi = x[(i-1)*(t)+1:i*(t),.]; // (t)xk
wi = {}; // (t-t0+1)xm
er = 0; er1=0; // scalar

for j (1,t-t0+1,1);
sj = j+t0-jn-3;
mj = 1+ minc(jmy|sj);
wi = wi~zeros(t-t0+1,mj);
sr = er+1; // scalar
er1 = er+ mj; // scalar
er = er1;

if k > 1;
mj = (-1+k)*minc(jmx|sj);
wi = wi~zeros(t-t0+1,mj);
er = er1+ mj; // scalar
wi[j,er1+1:er]= vec(zxi[maxc(1|sj-jmx+1):sj,2:k])';

w = w|wi; // (t-t0+1)xm
retp(w); endp;

/* input:
de: residuals
w : IV's

proc weight(n,t,de,w,t0); // with given residuals
local v,vbar,i,dei,wi,iv;

v = 0; // scalar
vbar = 0;

for i (1,n,1);
dei = de[(i-1)*(t-t0+1)+1:i*(t-t0+1),.]; // (t-2)x1
wi = w[(i-1)*(t-t0+1)+1:i*(t-t0+1),.]'dei; // m x 1
v = v + wi*wi'; // mxm
vbar = vbar + wi; // mx1

if rank(v/n-(vbar/n)*(vbar/n)') == cols(w);
iv = inv(v/n-(vbar/n)*(vbar/n)'); // mxm
else; "error 2";
iv = invswp(v/n-(vbar/n)*(vbar/n)');

retp(iv); endp;

proc weight1(n,t,w,t0); //analytic
local m,v,i,j,wi,wj,iv;

m = cols(w); // number of moments
v = zeros(m+2,m+2);

for i (1,n,1);
wi = zeros(t-t0+3,m+2);
wi[2:t-t0+2,2:m+1] = w[(i-1)*(t-t0+1)+1:i*(t-t0+1),.];

for j (1,t-t0+2,1);
wj = wi[j,.]'-wi[j+1,.]';
v = v + wj*wj'; // mxm

v = v[2:(m+1),2:(m+1)];
if rank(v/n) == cols(w);
iv = inv(v/n); // mxm
else; "error";
iv = invswp(v/n);

retp(iv); endp;

// ===========================================================================
proc (1) = lagnmatrix(n,t,x,p);
local k,lx,i;
k = cols(x);
lx = zeros(n*t,k);
for i (1,k,1);
lx[.,i] = vec(lagn(reshape(x[.,i],n,t)',p)); // ntx1

retp(lx); endp;

proc (1) = trimrmatrix(n,t,x,p,q);
local k,y,i;
k = cols(x);
y = zeros(n*(t-p-q),k);
for i (1,k,1);
y[.,i] = vec(trimr(reshape(x[.,i],n,t)',p,q));
retp(y); endp;

// ===========================================================================
//dum1: s.e.; dum2: upper regime estimates and s.e.;
//dum3: long-run parameter estimates and s.e. dum4: Jstat and p-value

proc (4) = printout(n,t,t0,w,dy,q,ththat1,z1,z2,Jhat1,_con);
local dumm1,z,lz,dz,tmp,dehat1,iv,Gb,h,kn,s,ds,i,si,Gr,
// *********************************** COVARIANCE MATRIX
dumm1 = (q.> ththat1[1]); " proportion of upper regime: " meanc(dumm1);"";
z = z2~(z1.*dumm1); // ntx[(1+k)+(1+k)+1]
lz = lagnmatrix(n,t,z,1); // ntx[(1+k)+(1+k)]
dz = z-lz; // ntx[(1+k)+(1+k)]
tmp = packr(dz); // n(t-2)x[1+(1+k)+(1+k)]
tmp = trimrmatrix(n,t-2,tmp,t0-3,0);
dz = tmp[.,1:cols(tmp)]; // n(t-t0+1)x(1+k+1+1+k)
dehat1 = dy-dz*ththat1[2:rows(ththat1)]; // n(t-t0+1)x1

iv = weight(n,t,dehat1,w,t0);

Gb = -w'dz/n; // mx[(1+k)+(1+k)]

// *********************************** ds: n(t-2)x(1+k)
h = 1.06*stdc(packr(q))*n^(-0.2); // scalar, bandwidth
kn = exp(-(((ththat1[1]-q)/h).^2)/2)/sqrt(2*pi); // ntx1
s = z1.*kn; // ntx(1+k)
ds = zeros(n*(t-t0+1),cols(s)); // n(t-2)x(1+k)
for i (1,cols(s),1);
si = reshape(s[.,i],n,t)'; // txn
ds[.,i] = vec(trimr(si,t0-1,0)-trimr(si,t0-2,1)); // (t-2)x(1+k)

Gr = -(w'ds/(n*h))*ththat1[3+k:rows(ththat1)]; // mx1

// *********************************** STANDARD ERROR
sb1 = inv(Gb'*iv*Gb-(Gb'*iv*Gr)*inv(Gr'*iv*Gr)*(Gr'*iv*Gb))/n;
sg1 = sqrt(1/(n*(Gr'*iv*Gr-(Gr'*iv*Gb)*inv(Gb'*iv*Gb)*(Gb'*iv*Gr))));
se1 = sg1|sqrt(diag(sb1));

" estimates and s.e. (threshold~lower regime (lag y,x)~delta (1,lag y,x)";

"";" upper regime estimates and s.e. (lag y,x)";

k2 = cols(z2);
if _con ==1; p = eye(k2)~zeros(k2,1)~eye(k2);
else; p = eye(k2)~eye(k2); endif;
tht2hat = (zeros(k2,1)~p)*ththat1;
se2 = p*sb1*p';

"";" Long-run parameter estimates and s.e.";

bt1 = ththat1[3:k2+1]; phi1=ththat1[2];
p1 = (eye(k2-1)~(bt1./(1-phi1)))./(1-phi1);

bt2 = tht2hat[2:rows(tht2hat)]; phi2=tht2hat[1];
p2 = (eye(k2-1)~(bt2/(1-phi2)))/(1-phi2);

bt = bt1|bt2; bse = sqrt(diag(bse1))|sqrt(diag(bse2));

"";" Overidentification J-statistic (p-value) " ;


But I got the following error output:

G0121 : Matrix not positive definite [svd.src]

1 Answer


Hello, I want to ask you about the methodology of Seo and Shin (2016), especially about the 8,4 in the first rang ? which the signification of each number and it's changeable or not?

my second question is about the version of gauss that you used is 10 or 18 ?

new; format /rd /m1 8,4; output file= shoot.out on;


Your Answer

1 Answer


Hello, I want to ask you about the methodology of Seo and Shin (2016), especially about the 8,4 in the first rang ? which the signification of each number and it's changeable or not?

my second question is about the version of gauss that you used is 10 or 18 ?

new; format /rd /m1 8,4; output file= shoot.out on;


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