Help with Gauss output please

Good day,

I have tried to replicate Table 8 of the paper "Dynamic panels with threshold effect and endogeneity" by Seo and Shin (2016) Journal of Econometrics Volume 195, Issue 2, December 2016, Pages 169-186.

I obtained the results below but could not match them with those reported in the paper. I am particularly interested in the estimates reported in Table 8 of their paper.

Any help, please?  I do have the code and the data if that helps.



x = c~Tq~d;    @ set regressors (c=cash flow, Tq=Tobin, d=debt)@

/------ output based on analytic variance formula -----/
proportion of upper regime:   0.1958

estimates and s.e. (threshold~lower regime (lag y,x)~delta (1,lag y,x)

0.3590   0.3875   0.0519  -0.0038  -0.1350   0.4409  -0.0594  -0.0039   0.6580
0.0396   0.0919   0.0387   0.0023   0.0466   0.2601   0.0521   0.0019   0.1322

upper regime estimates and s.e. (lag y,x)

0.8284  -0.0075  -0.0077   0.5229
0.2291   0.0457   0.0033   0.1311

 Long-run parameter estimates and s.e.

0.0519  -0.0038  -0.1350  -0.0075  -0.0077   0.5229
0.0696   0.0033   0.1239   1.3404   0.2641   2.3207

Overidentification J-statistic (p-value)
45.0039   0.0162

/------ in case of averaging -----/
proportion of upper regime:   0.1940

estimates and s.e. (threshold~lower regime (lag y,x)~delta (1,lag y,x)

0.3601   0.3941   0.0592  -0.0034  -0.1215   0.4091  -0.0770  -0.0035   0.6133
0.0426   0.0869   0.0416   0.0021   0.0441   0.2417   0.0491   0.0018   0.1224

 upper regime estimates and s.e. (lag y,x)

0.8032  -0.0179  -0.0069   0.4918
0.2127   0.0440   0.0032   0.1234

 Long-run parameter estimates and s.e.

0.0592  -0.0034  -0.1215  -0.0179  -0.0069   0.4918
0.0721   0.0031   0.1118   1.0912   0.2213   1.5592

Overidentification J-statistic (p-value)
64.0851   0.0001

elapsed time : 15 minutes  56.92 seconds

2 Answers


There will be some variation in the output of the code because it uses random numbers in the computations. I ran the code in GAUSS 18 on a Mac and GAUSS 10 on a Linux server and got slightly different results each time.

Then I made two changes which gave me reproducible results.

First change

I set the random number seed, using the rndseed keyword towards the top of the code, like this

new;  format /rd /m1 8,4; output file= invest.out on;
tstart = date;   
load invest;  // Load data and define variables

// Set seed for repeatable random numbers
rndseed 23423;

Second change

When running the code with GAUSS 18, I changed the function rndn to _rndng10 so that GAUSS 10 and GAUSS 18 would use the same random number generator. (Note that GAUSS 18 uses a higher quality random number generator than GAUSS 10 and _rndng10 should be used only for comparing results between versions.)

With these changes, I get this output

no constant
threshold variable = c
qn~ns~jm~jn~t0 : 200.0000 200.0000   1.0000   1.0000   4.0000
 number of moments:  36.0000

 linearity test from analytic      :   0.0000
 linearity test from averaging:   0.0000

/------ output based on analytic variance formula -----/
 proportion of upper regime:   0.1958

 estimates and s.e. (threshold~lower regime (lag y,x)~delta (1,lag y,x)

  0.3590   0.3875   0.0519  -0.0038  -0.1350   0.4409  -0.0594  -0.0039   0.6580
  0.0396   0.0919   0.0387   0.0023   0.0466   0.2601   0.0521   0.0019   0.1322

 upper regime estimates and s.e. (lag y,x)

  0.8284  -0.0075  -0.0077   0.5229
  0.2291   0.0457   0.0033   0.1311

 Long-run parameter estimates and s.e.

  0.0519  -0.0038  -0.1350  -0.0075  -0.0077   0.5229
  0.0696   0.0033   0.1239   1.3404   0.2641   2.3207

 Overidentification J-statistic (p-value)
 45.0039   0.0162

/------ in case of averaging -----/
 proportion of upper regime:   0.1928

 estimates and s.e. (threshold~lower regime (lag y,x)~delta (1,lag y,x)

  0.3610   0.3862   0.0570  -0.0035  -0.1214   0.4407  -0.0773  -0.0032   0.6044
  0.0420   0.0870   0.0407   0.0022   0.0434   0.2432   0.0494   0.0017   0.1207

 upper regime estimates and s.e. (lag y,x)

  0.8269  -0.0203  -0.0067   0.4830
  0.2148   0.0439   0.0031   0.1214

 Long-run parameter estimates and s.e.

  0.0570  -0.0035  -0.1214  -0.0203  -0.0067   0.4830
  0.0701   0.0032   0.1079   1.2555   0.2512   1.9488

 Overidentification J-statistic (p-value)
 62.2397   0.0001

 elapsed time : 11 minutes  27.62 seconds

Based on this, it appears that to reproduce the results of the paper exactly, you would need to use the same starting random seed.





Have also computed similar results but don't know how to interpret them.

Any help please?


Your Answer

2 Answers


There will be some variation in the output of the code because it uses random numbers in the computations. I ran the code in GAUSS 18 on a Mac and GAUSS 10 on a Linux server and got slightly different results each time.

Then I made two changes which gave me reproducible results.

First change

I set the random number seed, using the rndseed keyword towards the top of the code, like this

new;  format /rd /m1 8,4; output file= invest.out on;
tstart = date;   
load invest;  // Load data and define variables

// Set seed for repeatable random numbers
rndseed 23423;

Second change

When running the code with GAUSS 18, I changed the function rndn to _rndng10 so that GAUSS 10 and GAUSS 18 would use the same random number generator. (Note that GAUSS 18 uses a higher quality random number generator than GAUSS 10 and _rndng10 should be used only for comparing results between versions.)

With these changes, I get this output

no constant
threshold variable = c
qn~ns~jm~jn~t0 : 200.0000 200.0000   1.0000   1.0000   4.0000
 number of moments:  36.0000

 linearity test from analytic      :   0.0000
 linearity test from averaging:   0.0000

/------ output based on analytic variance formula -----/
 proportion of upper regime:   0.1958

 estimates and s.e. (threshold~lower regime (lag y,x)~delta (1,lag y,x)

  0.3590   0.3875   0.0519  -0.0038  -0.1350   0.4409  -0.0594  -0.0039   0.6580
  0.0396   0.0919   0.0387   0.0023   0.0466   0.2601   0.0521   0.0019   0.1322

 upper regime estimates and s.e. (lag y,x)

  0.8284  -0.0075  -0.0077   0.5229
  0.2291   0.0457   0.0033   0.1311

 Long-run parameter estimates and s.e.

  0.0519  -0.0038  -0.1350  -0.0075  -0.0077   0.5229
  0.0696   0.0033   0.1239   1.3404   0.2641   2.3207

 Overidentification J-statistic (p-value)
 45.0039   0.0162

/------ in case of averaging -----/
 proportion of upper regime:   0.1928

 estimates and s.e. (threshold~lower regime (lag y,x)~delta (1,lag y,x)

  0.3610   0.3862   0.0570  -0.0035  -0.1214   0.4407  -0.0773  -0.0032   0.6044
  0.0420   0.0870   0.0407   0.0022   0.0434   0.2432   0.0494   0.0017   0.1207

 upper regime estimates and s.e. (lag y,x)

  0.8269  -0.0203  -0.0067   0.4830
  0.2148   0.0439   0.0031   0.1214

 Long-run parameter estimates and s.e.

  0.0570  -0.0035  -0.1214  -0.0203  -0.0067   0.4830
  0.0701   0.0032   0.1079   1.2555   0.2512   1.9488

 Overidentification J-statistic (p-value)
 62.2397   0.0001

 elapsed time : 11 minutes  27.62 seconds

Based on this, it appears that to reproduce the results of the paper exactly, you would need to use the same starting random seed.



Have also computed similar results but don't know how to interpret them.

Any help please?


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