How do you save a program in Gauss code based on a plot created in the new plot interactive graphics in Gauss 13/15? Is this possible to do?
1 Answer
Regardless of how you set your graph preferences, you can save and rerun your program. However, if your program does not use a plotControl structure, your program will use the default settings that are in preferences at that time.
If you want your program to draw your graph with the same properties (line color, title, etc) every time regardless of what is set as the current preferences defaults (i.e. what is set under GAUSS main menu Preferences->Graphics), then you will need to use a plotControl structure.
Your Answer
1 Answer
Regardless of how you set your graph preferences, you can save and rerun your program. However, if your program does not use a plotControl structure, your program will use the default settings that are in preferences at that time.
If you want your program to draw your graph with the same properties (line color, title, etc) every time regardless of what is set as the current preferences defaults (i.e. what is set under GAUSS main menu Preferences->Graphics), then you will need to use a plotControl structure.