Matlab to Gauss code converter?

Does one exist?  If so where?

2 Answers


There is a perl script somewhere that does Matlab to GAUSS conversion. We will see if we can find it. What code are you wanting to translate?





I have looked for Cameron Rookley's code, but cannot find it.  Hope you have better luck.  Given the popularity of Matlab, a code converter would be a very nice application to make available for Gauss users.

Your Answer

2 Answers


There is a perl script somewhere that does Matlab to GAUSS conversion. We will see if we can find it. What code are you wanting to translate?



I have looked for Cameron Rookley's code, but cannot find it.  Hope you have better luck.  Given the popularity of Matlab, a code converter would be a very nice application to make available for Gauss users.

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