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Output for each loop - output names are also looped

I have several hundreds of output files and I have their individual names in a string. Using the for loop I want to give a different name to the output of each loop. I modified the code given in other question I little bit, but the only ouput I am getting is names as "names[vfor($1)]", instead of different names in names string.

Original Code in which output names are given specifically.

//Clear out files from previous run
output file=nestloop1.out reset;
output file=nestloop2.out reset;
for i(1, 10, 1);
output file=nestloop1.out on;
print "loop 1 iteration " i;
for j(10, 100, 10);
output file=nestloop2.out on;
print "loop 2 iteration " j;
output off;


So my question is: Is it possible to also loop the output file names such as the following?

//Clear out files from previous run
names = "nestloop1.out" $| "nestloop2.out";
for i(1, rows(names), 1);
output file = names[i] reset;
for k(1, rows(names), 1);
for i(1, 10, 1);
output file= names[k] on;
print "loop 1 iteration " i;
for j(10, 100, 10);
output file= names[k] on;
print "loop 2 iteration " j;
output off;

2 Answers


You can do what you want by assigning a temporary variable to hold the current file name and then using the caret operator (^) to tell GAUSS to use the value of the string, rather than the name of the string. For example:
Use name of string

//write data to a file 'mydata.txt'
output file = mydata.txt reset;
print "this message should appear in mydatata.txt";
output off;

Use value of string

//write data to a file 'mydata.txt'
filename = "mydata.txt";
output file = ^filename reset;
print "this message should appear in mydatata.txt";
output off;

Adapted to your initial code snippet

//Clear out files from previous run
names = "nestloop1.out" $| "nestloop2.out";
for i(1, rows(names), 1);
//make temporary variable to hold filename
filename = names[i];
//Use caret operator (^) to tell GAUSS to use value of string
output file = ^filename reset;
for k(1, rows(names), 1);
for i(1, 10, 1);
//make temporary variable to hold filename
filename = names[k];
//Use caret operator (^) to tell GAUSS to use value of string
output file= ^filename on;
print "loop 1 iteration " i;
for j(10, 100, 10);
//make temporary variable to hold filename
//(should the index be 'k' or 'j'?)
filename = names[k];
//Use caret operator (^) to tell GAUSS to use value of string
output file= ^filename on;
print "loop 2 iteration " j;
output off;




Thank you so much, it worked perfectly.

Your Answer

2 Answers


You can do what you want by assigning a temporary variable to hold the current file name and then using the caret operator (^) to tell GAUSS to use the value of the string, rather than the name of the string. For example:
Use name of string

//write data to a file 'mydata.txt'
output file = mydata.txt reset;
print "this message should appear in mydatata.txt";
output off;

Use value of string

//write data to a file 'mydata.txt'
filename = "mydata.txt";
output file = ^filename reset;
print "this message should appear in mydatata.txt";
output off;

Adapted to your initial code snippet

//Clear out files from previous run
names = "nestloop1.out" $| "nestloop2.out";
for i(1, rows(names), 1);
//make temporary variable to hold filename
filename = names[i];
//Use caret operator (^) to tell GAUSS to use value of string
output file = ^filename reset;
for k(1, rows(names), 1);
for i(1, 10, 1);
//make temporary variable to hold filename
filename = names[k];
//Use caret operator (^) to tell GAUSS to use value of string
output file= ^filename on;
print "loop 1 iteration " i;
for j(10, 100, 10);
//make temporary variable to hold filename
//(should the index be 'k' or 'j'?)
filename = names[k];
//Use caret operator (^) to tell GAUSS to use value of string
output file= ^filename on;
print "loop 2 iteration " j;
output off;

Thank you so much, it worked perfectly.

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