Maybe this is a silly question but I am trying to get simulations from a t distribution and cant find it. Any help?
3 Answers
The simplest way to accomplish this is by using the student-t inverse cdf to transform random uniform numbers like this:
proc (1) = rndT(rw, cl, df); retp(cdftci(rndu(rw, cl), df)); endp;
You can test that the distribution of your numbers is correct by checking to see what percentage of your numbers are less than a certain value and then comparing that with the T-CDF function:
rw = 1e5;
cl = 1;
df = 5;
r = rndT(rw, cl, df);
checkVal = 0.37;
comp = cdftc( checkVal, df);
//Since cdftc returns the compliment subtract 1
print (1 - comp);
print (sumc(r .<= checkVal))/rw;
proc (1) = rndT(rw, cl, df);
retp(cdftci(rndu(rw, cl), df));
You can copy and paste the code snippet above to check. With a 'checkVal' of 0.37 both print statements should be about 0.636. You can change 'checkVal' to test other points.
I think there may be a faster method to make the random deviates in terms of the function rndGamma. But, I don't know it off the top of my head.
Thanks a lot. Basically my problem started because if you search in the help for this command that you showed me now "rndT", is non existent.
It would be good to include it I believe.
Sorry, my mistake, this is a function you are creating yourself. Please, disregard my last answer.
Your Answer
3 Answers
The simplest way to accomplish this is by using the student-t inverse cdf to transform random uniform numbers like this:
proc (1) = rndT(rw, cl, df); retp(cdftci(rndu(rw, cl), df)); endp;
You can test that the distribution of your numbers is correct by checking to see what percentage of your numbers are less than a certain value and then comparing that with the T-CDF function:
rw = 1e5;
cl = 1;
df = 5;
r = rndT(rw, cl, df);
checkVal = 0.37;
comp = cdftc( checkVal, df);
//Since cdftc returns the compliment subtract 1
print (1 - comp);
print (sumc(r .<= checkVal))/rw;
proc (1) = rndT(rw, cl, df);
retp(cdftci(rndu(rw, cl), df));
You can copy and paste the code snippet above to check. With a 'checkVal' of 0.37 both print statements should be about 0.636. You can change 'checkVal' to test other points.
I think there may be a faster method to make the random deviates in terms of the function rndGamma. But, I don't know it off the top of my head.
Thanks a lot. Basically my problem started because if you search in the help for this command that you showed me now "rndT", is non existent.
It would be good to include it I believe.
Sorry, my mistake, this is a function you are creating yourself. Please, disregard my last answer.