Improved Data Handling

Option to specify models and data in terms of model variables:
//Estimate parameters of model:
//weight = α + β1*height + β2*age
call ols("students.dat", "weight ~ height + age");
//Calculate descriptive statistics on all
//variables in dataset except for lot_size and num_baths
call dstatmt("housing.dat", ". -lot_size -num_baths");
- Simple to use
- Consistent with other statistical packages
- Well documented
- Backwards compatible
Support for HDF5 datasets provides:
- Unlimited dataset size
- Fast data read and write
- Supported as native GAUSS file type
Use CSV, XLSX, HDF5 files as native GAUSS datasets
Intelligent file handling allows you to use many different file types as you would a GAUSS dataset:
//Calculate descriptive statistics on
//variables gre and gdp in CSV file
call dstatmt("college.csv", "gre + gdp");
//Calculate descriptive statistics on
//variables 'lot_size' and 'price' in XLSX file
call dstatmt("housing.xlsx", "lot_size + price");
New Graphics Functionality

Support for LaTeX in titles, legends, axis labels and text boxes
//Add LaTeX formula to title
plotSetTitle(&myPlot, "\\Delta y = y_t - y_{t-1}");

New functions:
- plotErrorBar and plotAddErrorBar: Create XY plots with user specified symmetrical or asymmetrical error bars.
- plotAddSurface: Adds a surface or plane to an existing surface plot.
- plotSetLegendFont: Controls the font family, size and color of the text in the legend.
- plotCDFEmpirical: Plots the empirical distribution function of an input vector or vectors.
Function enhancements:

- New color maps for surface and contour plots, make it easy to create professional and attractive 3-D graphics.
- Added option to place height on contour lines in plotContour.
- Added option to place colors at specific heights, rather than splitting the colors evenly for surface and contour plots.
- The terminal version of GAUSS, ‘tgauss’ and the GAUSS Engine can now create and save graphs on headless servers.
Graphics Editor now allows interactive control of:
- View angle, lighting and toggle the mesh in surface graphs.
- Extent of range of X and Y axes.
New Mathematical and Statistical Functionality
New functions:
- cdfEmpirical: Computes the empirical cumulative distribution function.
- ldl: Computes and returns the ‘L’ and ‘D’ factors from a symmetric matrix.
- hypergeometric: Computes the hypergeometric function.
- powerm: Raises a matrix to a specified power.
- sylvester: Calculates the solution to the Sylvester matrix equation.
- rndWishartInv: Takes draws from the Inverse Wishart distribution.
- pdfWishart: Computes the probability density function of the Wishart distribution.
- norm: Computes the 2-norm, P-norm or Infinity norm of a matrix.
- dot: Computes the dot product for a vector or group of vectors.
Function enhancements:
- quantile/quantiled: Added option to specify the calculation method.
- glm: Added support for inverse Gaussian family and models without intercepts when estimating the parameters of the General Linear Model.
- schur: Added support for immediate return of complex form.
Function Speedups
- X’X for large matrices is nearly twice as fast.
- sortc is much faster, especially for column vectors.
- Greatly improved speed of unique and uniquesa, especially when operating on string arrays.
- Linear solve, using the slash-operator ‘/’ for small matrices.
- Kronecker product ‘.*.’ is faster when one of the inputs is a column vector.
- crossprd is faster for case of fewer than 500 vectors.
- cdffc is 10-1000x faster when ‘d1’ parameter is equal to one.
- reclassify is much faster and uses less memory.
Other Enhancements
- Improved tree view of data on the Data Page.
- getorders and getdims now support matrices, strings and string arrays.
- strsplit now supports multi-character delimiters.
- New function strtrim removes white-space from the left and right side of a string or each element of a string array.
- Bug fixes and more…
Recent Upgrades of GAUSS
If you are upgrading from earlier versions of GAUSS, GAUSS 17 allows users to enjoy many years worth of program advances and new features such as those included in recent releases of GAUSS:
- GAUSS 13 - GAUSS 14 - GAUSS 15 - GAUSS 16