New graphics tools

New suite of tools for time series plotting

High-frequency and irregular data

Plot of high-frequency stock index data in GAUSS.

The new function plotTSHF supports

  • Irregularly spaced data, such as tick data.
  • Many frequencies such as milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, quarters and years.

Log scaled Y-axes

Plot of Amazon and Alphabet stock on a log Y axis.

New functions plotTSLog and plotAddTSLog create time series plots with the Y-axis in log space.

plotTS supports daily data

Expanded formatting options

Simple controls for tick locations

Scatter plot with regression line.

Specify the location of the first X-tick label location to be -110 and the interval between ticks to be 10 and GAUSS takes care of the rest.

Scatter plot with regression line.

More control for box plot grouping

Grouped boxes

Grouped box plot in GAUSS.

Un-grouped boxes

Box plot in GAUSS.

Other new formatting functions

  • plotSetYTicLabel controls the formatting and angle of Y-axis tick labels.
  • plotSetLegendBkd controls the color and opacity of the legend background.

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