GDP dataset

Member Description Sources
rf_gdp_pc Quarterly real U.S. gross domestic product, percent change from preceding period, seasonally adjusted annual rate, converted to decimal FRED economic data series A191RL1Q225SBEA
treasury 10-year treasury constant maturity minus federal funds rate, percent monthly, not seasonally adjusted FRED economic data series T10YFFM
unrate Civilian unemployment rate, percent, monthly seasonally adjusted FRED economic data series UNRATE
pce Personal consumption expenditures excluding food and energy (chain-type price index), percent change from a year ago, monthly, seasonally adjusted FRED economic data series PCEPILFE
indpro Monthly industrial production index, seasonally adjusted. 2012=100 FRED economic data series INDPRO
ism_pmi Monthly ISM Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), composite index composed of new orders (seasonally adjusted), production (seasonally adjusted), employment (seasonally adjusted), supplier deliveries (seasonally adjusted), and inventories. Quandl
cci Monthly consumer confidence index. Amplitude adjusted, Long-term average = 100 OECD main economic indicators dataset
cli Monthly composite leading index. Amplitude adjusted, Long-term average = 100 OECD main economic indicators dataset
cpi CPI-ALL urban consumers 12-month percent change. 1982-1984=100. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Series CUUR0000SA0L1E
housing Monthly, housing starts: Total: New privately owned housing units starts, thousands of units FRED economic data series HOUST

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