Today we will look at the GAUSS kalman filter procedure, which is included in the TSMT application module.
In this tutorial we will use an AR(2) example to examine
- State space representation
- How to define system matrices
- How to use the GAUSS
procedure - How to interpret the results of the
The Kalman filter is a tool that allows us to determine the optimal estimates of an unobserved state vector, , using the observed information at time .
Today will demonstrate the use of the Kalman filter to predict an AR(2) model from simulated data. We generate our sample AR(2) model using the data generating process
State space representation
The GAUSS kalmanFilter
procedure requires that models take a state space representation. Therefore, we must understand how to translate our problem into proper state space representation.
State space representation is composed of three pieces:
- An observation equation.
- A measurement equation.
- An initial state distributions.
The observation equation represents an observed time-series vector
The transition equation represents an unobserved state vector
Finally, the initial state distribution represents starting values of the state vector. It includes the initial prior state mean, , and the initial prior state covariance, .
State space representation of an AR(2) model
Putting models into state space representation is somewhat of an art form and there can be many different representations of the same model.
Let's consider putting a general AR(2) model into the state space representation starting from the standard representation
AR(2) representation #1
For our first representation we will define
then our measurement equation becomes
and our transition equation becomes
To see how this works, let's look more closely at the matrix multiplication. Consider first plugging into our measurement equation
which simplifies to
AR(2) representation #2
We could also an alternative representation where we let
then our measurement equation becomes
and our transition equation becomes
Using the GAUSS Kalman filter
The GAUSS kalmanFilter
procedure takes 10 inputs. The first of these inputs is the observed data, . We will use the TSMT application module procedure simarmamt
to generate our data.
Observed AR(2) data
library tsmt; // Simulate AR(2) data seed = 527453; // Intercept b = 0.3|-0.6; // AR terms p = 2; // MA terms q = 0; // Constant const = 0; // Trend trend = 0; // Number of observations n = 150; // Number of replications k = 1; // Standard deviation of error process std = 1; // Generate data y = simarmamt(b, p, q, const, trend, n, k, std, seed)';
System matrices
The 2nd through 8th inputs into the kalmanFilter
procedure are based on the system matrices of the general state space representation.
GAUSS kalmanFilter system matrices inputs | |
<\td> | The design matrix. |
<\td> | The measurement equation intercept. |
<\td> | The measurement equation disturbance covariance matrix. |
<\td> | The transition matrix. |
<\td> | The state transition equation intercept. |
<\td> | The selection matrix. |
<\td> | The state disturbance covariance matrix. |
/* ** Use the two true ** phi values */ phi = 0.3|-0.6; // State disturbance sigma sigma2_q = 1; // Observation disturbance sigma sigma2_h = 1; // Design matrix Z = {1 0}; // Measurement equation intercept d = 0; // Measurement equation disturbance H = sigma2_h; // Transition matrix T = {phi[1] phi[2], 1 0}; // Transition equation intercept c = 0; // Transition equation disturbance Q = sigma2_q; // Selection matrix R = {1, 0};
Initial state distribution
Before we can run the Kalman filter we must initialize the state vector. This requires specifying both , the initial prior state mean, and , the initial prior state covariance.
// Initial state mean a_0 = 0|0; // Initial state covariance P_0 = {1 0, 0 1};
Calling the kalmanFilter
The kalmanFilter
returns output to a kalmanResult
structure whose members will be discussed in the next section. The important thing to note now is that before calling the procedure we must declare an instance of the kalmanResult
struct kalmanResult rslt; rslt = kalmanFilter(yt, Z, d, H, T, c, R, Q, a_0, p_0);
Summary of how to use kalmanFilter
We have covered a lot of information in this section. It may be helpful to have a summary of the steps we have to take to use the kalmanFilter
- Determine state space representation.
- Define the observed data vector.
- Define the system matrices.
- Define the initial state mean and initial state covariance.
- Declare the
structure and call thekalmanFilter
The kalmanResult
All output from the kalmanFilter
procedure is stored in the kalmanResult
structure. The members of the kalmanResult
instance kout
kout.filtered_state | The filtered states. |
kout.filtered_state_cov | Filtered state covariances. |
kout.predicted_state | The predicted states. |
kout.predicted_state_cov | Predicted state covariances. |
kout.forecast | Forecasts. |
kout.forecast_error | Forecast error. |
kout.forecast_error_cov | Forecast error covariances. |
kout.loglikelihood | Computed log likelihood. |
Let's plot the results stored in kout.predicted_state
against a scatter plot of the original data (view the code to produce the graphs here).
We can see that the predicted state closely follows our observed data.
Congratulations! You have completed the Kalman filter tutorial. In this tutorial, we used an AR(2) example to examine
- State space representation
- How to define system matrices
- How to use the GAUSS
procedure - The members of the
For your convenience, the entire code is available below.
library tsmt; // Simulate AR(2) data seed = 527453; // Intercept b = 0.3|-0.6; // AR terms p = 2; // MA terms q = 0; // Constant const = 0; // Trend trend = 0; // Number of observations n = 150; // Number of replications k = 1; // Standard deviation of error process std = 1; // Generate data y = simarmamt(b, p, q, const, trend, n, k, std, seed)'; /* ** Use the two true ** phi values */ phi = 0.3|-0.6; // State disturbance sigma sigma2_q = 1; // Observation disturbance sigma sigma2_h = 1; // Design matrix Z = {1 0}; // Measurement equation intercept d = 0; // Measurement equation disturbance H = sigma2_h; // Transition matrix T = {phi[1] phi[2], 1 0}; // Transition equation intercept c = 0; // Transition equation disturbance Q = sigma2_q; // Selection matrix R = {1, 0}; // Initial state mean a_0 = 0|0; // Initial state covariance P_0 = {1 0, 0 1}; struct kalmanResult rslt; rslt = kalmanFilter(yt, Z, d, H, T, c, R, Q, a_0, p_0);