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Startup Troubleshooting Window

The Start-up Troubleshooting Window in GAUSS 15.1+ provides information to help diagnose license issues, including:

  • GAUSS version and build number.
  • Location of your GAUSSHOME folder.
  • Your computer's HostID.
  • All license files located in your GAUSSHOME folder.
  • Ability to:
    • Create a screenshot of the Startup Troubleshooting Window.
    • Copy your HostID number and paste it into your license request.
    • Request your License.

Gather Diagnostic Information


  1. Enter your License Activation Key in the License Activation Window and press Next.
  2. If an error message is displayed, copy-and-paste the error message into a Support Ticket Request.
  3. Press the Diagnostics button at the bottom of the License Activation Window to open the Startup Troubleshooting Window.
  4. Press the Screenshot button on the Startup Troubleshooting Window to copy a screenshot of this window to your computer's clipboard.
  5. Paste this screenshot into the same support ticket that you created above in Step 2.
  6. Attach any *.lic files from your GAUSSHOME directory by pressing Choose file from the bottom of the Support Ticket web form.
  7. Submit the Support Ticket.

GAUSS 15-18

  1. On the License Manager Error Window, press the Screenshot button.
  2. Paste this License Manager Error Window screenshot into a Support Ticket Request.
  3. At the bottom of the Support Ticket web form, press Choose File. Browse to your GAUSSHOME directory and attach any *.lic files.
  4. Submit the support ticket.

GAUSS 11-14

  1. Open a command prompt or terminal window.
  2. Change to your GAUSSHOME directory.
  3. List of the license files in your GAUSSHOME directory:
    Windows dir *.lic
    Linux/macOS ls *.lic
  4. Print the contents of the license(s) to the terminal window:
    Windows type *.lic
    Linux/macOS cat *.lic
  5. Find the IP and MAC address of your computer:
    Windows ipconfig /all
    Linux/macOS /sbin/ifconfig
  6. Start up GAUSS from the terminal window:
    Windows tgauss.exe
    Linux/macOS tgauss
  7. Generate an Updated HostID Number.
  8. Copy and paste the entire output from the above steps into your Support Request.

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