GaussX v10 Installation

GaussX License Key

  • Install your GAUSS Software before installing GaussX.
  • Be sure to request your GaussX License Key when you request your GAUSS License.
  • If you purchase GaussX AFTER you obtain your GAUSS license, you will need to request a new GAUSS license from Aptech that is configured to work with your GaussX License key.
  • Request GAUSS License file and GaussX License Key here from Aptech.



GaussX is distributed as a zip file. Download the GaussX zip file ( from your Aptech Download Account.

  1. Unzip the file in a temporary folder by double clicking the zip file.
  2. Select the file Setup.exe. The GaussX program files are extracted and compiled by GAUSS during the Set-Up process.
    Select GaussX Setup executable
  3. Select the Platform of the computer you are installing GaussX onto (32 bit or 64 bit). Select GaussX Platform
  4. Browse to your GAUSSHOME directory, such as c:\gauss25. GaussX will automatically populate the version of GAUSS you are running and the GAUSS License ID number from your GAUSS License file into the GaussX screen.
  5. Enter the GaussX License key provided by Aptech and press 'Validate' button. Enter GaussX License Key


GaussX is distributed as a zip file. Download the GaussX zip file ( from your Aptech Download Account. Normally, the GaussX zip file will be downloaded to your Downloads folder (/Users/yourname/Downloads)

  1. Open up a terminal window.
  2. Extract the file to your GAUSSHOME folder, such as /Users/yourname/gauss25, by typing the following:
    cd Downloads
    unzip -d /Users/yourname/gauss25
  3. Start GAUSS
  4. In your GAUSS program window, type:
    run gsx/gaussx.cpl
    >> follow the instructions


GaussX is distributed as a zip file. Download the GaussX zip file ( from your Aptech Download Account.

  1. Open a Terminal Window
  2. Unzip the file to the GAUSSHOME folder.
  3. Note that the /SRC folder and the /LIB folders already exist, so don't replace them.
  4. The files should then be compiled under GAUSS by issuing the following command from the GAUSSHOME folder in a Terminal Window:
    tgauss gsx/gaussx.cpl

GaussX v10 Troubleshooting

Error Number 5 / Error in sub Register.RegGetValI (Windows)

If you are installing GaussX v10 on a Windows 7 or higher computer, you must have administrator privileges to install and run GaussX. If you do not have sufficient administrator privileges, you will receive Error Number: 5 / Error in sub Register.RegGetVal.

To resolve this issue, please do the following:
  1. Uninstall GaussX 10 for Windows
  2. Reinstall GaussX 10 for Windows (right click on the installation file and select 'Run as Administrator')
  3. Follow the Windows Installation instructions above.
  4. Double-click the desktop icon to start GaussX.

Error: GaussX Compile Not Performed

G0014: File not found /Users/yourname/gauss25/cp/envread.fcg '/Users/yourname/gauss25/cp/envread.fcg' [gaussx, line 50]

This error occurs because the GaussX compile did not take place. Users with non-standard configurations may need to undertake parts of the installation process manually. In particular, if the folder /Users/yourname/gauss25/cp/ is empty, then compilation did not occur during the installation process.

Manual Installation if Compile Problem: macOS

To compile GaussX manually, do the following:

  1. Start up GAUSS and ensure that GAUSS is working correctly.
  2. Select the GAUSS Command Window.
  3. Set your working directory to /gauss25/
  4. Type the following and follow the prompts on the screen:
    run gsx/gaussx.cpl
This command will:
  • read the GaussX source programs
  • compile them, and save them on /gauss25/cp
  • create the GaussX compiled file, gaussxcp.gcg

Manual Installation if Compile Problem: Linux

From a Terminal Window, change directories to your GAUSSHOME folder and type the following:

cd /Users/yourname/gauss25
tgauss gsx/gaussx.cpl

Error: GsxEdit Runtime Error '339' / Using the GaussX Editor


If you need to use GsxEdit, there are 4 files that the following applies to:

  • comdlg32.ocx
  • emedit32.ocx
  • tabctl32.ocx
  • threed32.ocx

These 4 files should appear both in windows\system32 and windows\syswow64. They should be registered in the syswow64 folder. Please do the following:

  1. Click on the Start button
  2. Locate the Command Prompt menu item (located under 'Accessories' under All Programs)
  3. Right click on Command Prompt
  4. On the pop-up right click context menu, select “Run as Administrator”
  5. From the prompt, type:
    cd c:\windows\syswow64
    regsvr32 comdlg32.ocx
    regsvr32 emedit32.ocx
    regsvr32 tabctl32.ocx
    regsvr32 threed32.ocx

If “emedit32.ocx” and “tabctl32.ocx” are not in the c:\windows\sysWOW64 folder, do the following:

  1. Check the c:\windows\system32 folder
  2. If the “emedit32.ocx” and “tabctl32.ocx” are there, copy them to your c:\windows\sysWOW64
  3. From the prompt, type:
    cd c:\windows\syswow64
    regsvr32 emedit32.ocx
    regsvr32 tabctl32.ocx

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