Install GAUSS for Linux

Extract the Installer Files

GAUSS 17 and newer

  1. In a terminal window, cd to where you'd like to install GAUSS (e.g., /home/user).
  2. Copy the downloaded installer file from where it was saved (usually /home/username/Downloads/GAUSS_25_Linux_64.tar.gz) to your current directory. A top level directory (gauss25) will automatically be created during the extraction process.
  3. cd into the gauss25 directory and extract the tar.gz file:
    tar xvzf GAUSS_25_Linux_64.tar.gz

GAUSS 16 and older

  1. Open a terminal window and cd to the location or where you want GAUSS installed. Then make a gauss16 directory with the command:
    mkdir gauss16
  2. Copy the downloaded installer file from where it was saved (usually /home/username/Downloads/GAUSS_16_Linux_amd_64.tar.gz) to your current folder.
  3. Next enter
    tar xvzf GAUSS_16_Linux_amd_64.tar.gz

Run the installer

  1. Run the installer from a terminal window in your GAUSS installation directory by entering:
  2. A message will appear asking you to Choose installation type: [D]efault, [A]dvanced [Q]uit
    • Enter a letter to choose an installation type.
    • The Default option will install everything under the current directory.
    • The Advanced installation allows you to choose a single-user or multi-user installation.
    • If you choose a multi-user installation, the binaries and most of the rest of the installation will reside in the current directory.

      Each time a new user starts GAUSS on this machine, GAUSS will create a local working directory for that user under the user's home directory. The local working directory will contain the files and folders that which may be customized by the user.

      This allows the admin to install GAUSS in a location without universal write privileges. No files will be placed under the home directory of any user who does not start GAUSS.
  3. A copy of the license agreement for GAUSS will be displayed; press Enter to advance line by line, press the Space Bar to advance by page. When you are ready, enter "yes" to accept the license agreement and continue.
  4. Follow the instructions given by the installation script.
  5. Put the installation directory for GAUSS in the executable path and in the shared library search path.

Request your GAUSS License

GAUSS v19+

If you do not have a GAUSS License Activation Key, fill out this form.

GAUSS v18 & Prior

At the end of the installation process, a file named myhostid.txt will be created in the directory where you installed GAUSS. This file will contain the HostID number of your computer which you will need for your license request.

Copy and paste the contents of the myhostid.txt file into your license request. You may also attach the file as well.

myhostid.txt file
To request your GAUSS license, fill out this form.

If the HostID number is blank, click here.

Floating Network License-Installation

Activation with GAUSS License Key (GAUSS 23+)

If you have received a GAUSS License Key, see for more instructions.

GAUSS 22 and lower

Fill out this form to request your License File.

Single User License Installation


Start GAUSS and enter the applicable License Activation Key that you have been provided into the License Activation Window and follow the prompts.

License Activation

GAUSS 18 & Prior

When you receive your GAUSS License File, simply place the File in the directory in which GAUSS is installed. Ensure that you retain the .lic file extension. The default location is: C:\gauss18 (or whatever version you are installing).

Verify Your License

To confirm that your license file is installed correctly:

  1. Start GAUSS.
  2. From from the main GAUSS program menu bar, select: Help > About GAUSS About GAUSS window
  3. Check to see that your License Type is NOT Demo.


For further assistance, please click Troubleshooting: Common License Issues

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