Floating Network License Installation

GAUSS 25 uses Reprise as its license manager. If you are updating from a version of GAUSS that uses Reprise, see the update installation instructions here, otherwise see below.

Here are the steps for setting up a new floating network license.
  1. Install GAUSS on the License Server
  2. Updating to GAUSS 25 on Windows
  3. Start the License Manager
  4. Set up RLM as a Windows Service (To set up RLM as a system service on Linux that starts automatically at system boot time, see the RLM License Administration Manual here for an example of a script for that purpose.)
  5. Configure the Client Computers
  6. Working with Firewalls
  7. Minimal Installation Requirements
  8. Troubleshooting License Server Issues
  9. Troubleshooting Client License Issues
  10. RLM License Administration Manual

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