Start the License Manager

This page will walk through the basic steps necessary to start the Reprise GAUSS Floating Network License Manager (RLM) on the machine which you are using as the license server. It is assumed that GAUSS has already been installed on this computer and that you have received your Floating Network license file from Aptech.

Setting up the License Server

Note: If you are updating from an earlier version of GAUSS/GAUSS Engine for Windows, please click here before proceeding.
  1. IMPORTANT! Delete the temporary.lic file that comes with GAUSS from your GAUSSHOME directory.
  2. Save License File: Please save the license file, retaining the *.lic extension, to your GAUSSHOME directory
  3. Open a Windows Command Prompt.
  4. Change the working directory of your Windows Command Prompt to your GAUSS installation directory with the command:
    chdir <gauss_install_directory>
    [For Linux: cd <gauss_install_directory>]
    The GAUSS installation directory for this example is C:\gauss. Your GAUSS installation directory may be different.

    Change working directory

  5. Start the Reprise License Manager with the command:
    [For Linux: ./rlm ]

    Start reprise license manager executable

  6. Start GAUSS on the License Server by using your Desktop Icon. If GAUSS does not start, click here.
  7. Verify that GAUSS is using the Floating Network License

    Test that GAUSS is installed correctly and the license manager is working by checking to see what license type/license ID GAUSS is using by clicking on Help -> About GAUSS.

    GAUSS License check If GAUSS is using the temporary license that ships with it, you will see a license ID that is all zeroes. If it is using the permanent license, it will be a 10-digit number that starts with 1.
  8. Set up RLM as a Windows Service - To set up RLM as a new Windows service, follow the instructions here.
    - To set up RLM as a system service on Linux that starts automatically at system boot time, see the RLM 12.1 License Administration Manual for an example of a script for that purpose.

    Note: Failure to set up GAUSS as a Windows or System Service requires that the Reprise License Manager (rlm) be manually restarted each time that GAUSS is started. See step 4 under 'Setting up the License Server' above on how to manually restart the rlm.

Installing GAUSS in a Shared, Multi-User macOS Environment

For all users to run GAUSS in a shared, multi-user macOS environment, please do the following:
  1. Copy GAUSSHOME (e.g. gauss25) to Shared Folder. Copy the entire contents of your GAUSSHOME to a location in which all users can access, such as: /Users/shared/gauss25
  2. Rename GAUSS Executable. Change the name of the 'gauss' executable to 'gaussapp'.
  3. Bash Script. Make a bash script named 'gauss' in the same directory (which should be /Applications/GAUSS The contents would be:
    export GAUSSHOME25=/Users/Shared/gauss25/ Applications/GAUSS

  4. Permissions. Make sure everyone has execution permission for this file.

If GAUSS does not Start on the License Server

  1. Verify that the rlm has been manually restarted. See step 4 under 'Setting up the License Server' above on how to manually restart the rlm.
  2. List the license files in this directory with the command:
    dir *.lic
    [For Linux: ls -l *.lic ]

    List license files in GAUSS install directory

  3. Print the contents of your license to the screen with the command:
    type <gauss_license_file.lic>
    [For Linux: cat <gauss_license_file.lic>]

    Print contents of license file

  4. Check your computer's hostid with the command:
    [For Linux: ./lm/rlmhostid ]
    and make sure it matches what is in your GAUSS license file.

    Do the hostid's match?

  5. To diagnose and resolve your error, see Common Floating Network Problems.
Next: Configure Clients

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